tea chest

tea chest
ящик для чая

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "tea chest" в других словарях:

  • Tea chest — Tea Tea (t[=e]), n. [Chin. tsh[=a], Prov. Chin. te: cf. F. th[ e].] 1. The prepared leaves of a shrub, or small tree ({Thea Chinensis} or {Camellia Chinensis}). The shrub is a native of China, but has been introduced to some extent into some… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tea chest — tea chests N COUNT A tea chest is a large wooden box in which tea is packed when it is exported. People also use tea chests for putting things in when they move from one house to another. [BRIT] …   English dictionary

  • tea chest — n a large wooden box that used to have tea in it, often used afterwards for moving and storing things …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • tea chest — ► NOUN ▪ a light metal lined wooden box in which tea is transported …   English terms dictionary

  • tea chest — noun chest for storing or transporting tea • Hypernyms: ↑chest * * * noun 1. : caddy 1a 2. : a square wooden case usually lined with sheet lead or tin and used for exporting tea * * * tea chest noun A tall wooden container with a metal lining, in …   Useful english dictionary

  • Tea chest — A tea chest is a type of wooden case originally produced and used to ship tea to the United Kingdom. The conventional tea chest is a case with riveted metal edges, of approximate size 500x500x750 millimetres. The term is now used more widely to… …   Wikipedia

  • Tea chest bass — A tea chest bass is a home made musical instrument that uses a tea chest (a wooden chest of the type once used in the shipment of tea) as the resonator for an upright stringed bass. The instrument is made from a pole, traditionally a broomstick,… …   Wikipedia

  • tea chest — /ˈti tʃɛst/ (say tee chest) noun 1. a large wooden box or crate in which tea is packed. 2. a similar box for packing and storing goods, often made from cardboard …  

  • tea chest — noun a light foil lined wooden box in which tea is transported …   English new terms dictionary

  • tea chest — noun (C) a large wooden box that used to have tea in it, often used afterwards for moving and storing things …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • tea-chest bass — /ti tʃɛst ˈbeɪs/ (say tee chest bays) noun a bass musical instrument used in bush bands and consisting of a large hollow box, a pole, and a string for plucking stretched taut between the pole and the edge of the box …  

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