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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
tau — tau … Dictionnaire des rimes
tau — [ to ] n. m. inv. • 1671 blas.; mot gr. 1 ♦ (1832) Lettre grecque correspondant au t (T). 2 ♦ (1671) Blas. Figure en forme de T appelée aussi croix de Saint Antoine. ♢ Bâton pastoral en forme de potence ou de béquille. ⊗ HOM. Taud, taux , tôt. ●… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Tau — (uppercase Τ, lowercase τ; el. Ταυ [taf] ) is the 19th letter of the Greek alphabet. In the system of Greek numerals it has a value of 300. This letter in English is pronounced IPA|/taʊ/, but in Modern Greek, this letter s name is pronounced… … Wikipedia
Tau — bezeichnet: Tau (Niederschlag), durch Temperaturunterschiede kondensiertes Wasser Morgentau bei morgendlichem Auftreten Tauwerk, in der Seemannssprache ein gedrehtes Seil Tau (Buchstabe) (Majuskel Τ, Minuskel τ), 19. Buchstabe des griechischen… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tau — Tau, n. [Gr. tay^ the letter [tau] (English {T}).] (Zo[ o]l.) The common American toadfish; so called from a marking resembling the Greek letter tau ([tau]). [1913 Webster] {Tau cross}. See Illust. 6, of {Cross}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tau — (literă grecească) s. m., pl. tau; τ, Τ Trimis de gall, 11.03.2008. Sursa: DOOM 2 tắu (ta, pl. tắi, tále), adj. pos. – Indică posesia la pers. II sing. – Mr. tău, tăi, tu, megl. tǫu, ta. lat. tŭum, probabil disimulat în *toum (Candrea, Éléments … Dicționar Român
tau — s. m. 1. Nome da letra grega correspondente ao T. 2. Cruz branca em forma de T que os cônegos de Santo Antão usavam no hábito. 3. [Física] Lépton de massa superior à do elétron e igual carga elétrica. ‣ Etimologia: grego tau, décima nona letra … Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa
Tau — (tou), n. [Gr. tay^.] The nineteenth letter ([Tau], [tau]) of the Greek alphabet, equivalent to English t. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tau — [tou, tô] n. [ME taw, tau (esp. with ref. to the tau cross) < L tau < Gr < Sem, as in Heb tav, TAV] the nineteenth letter of the Greek alphabet (Τ, τ) … English World dictionary
Tău — may refer to several villages in Romania:* Tău, a village in Roşia de Secaş Commune, Alba County * Tău, a village in Zau de Câmpie Commune, Mureş County … Wikipedia
tau — nombre que el que se designa una proteína que estabiliza los microtúbulos de las neuronas. La regulación de la molécula se consigue mediante su expresión, localización, y fosforilación. Su disregulación conduce a una serie de enfermedades… … Diccionario médico