
1) лента || связывать [скреплять\] лентой; укладывать в ленту; упаковывать в ленту
2) липкая лента || заклеивать липкой лентой
3) изоляционная лента || изолировать лентой
4) градуированный тросик (лимниграфа)
5) мерная лента, рулетка || измерять рулеткой
6) перфорированная лента, перфолента
7) магнитная лента
8) накопитель на магнитной ленте, НМЛ
9) ленточный носитель, лента-носитель (в производстве ИС)
10) тесьма
11) пришивать тесьму
to generate NC tape — формировать управляющую программу на перфоленте
abrasive tape
acetate base tape
adhesive tape
advanced feed-hole paper tape
alignment tape
assembly tape
audio tape
bias tape
blank tape
bumped tape
calibration tape
carrier tape
cartridge tape
cassette tape
chadded paper tape
chadded tape
chadless paper tape
chadless tape
change tape
cloth tape
coated magnetic tape
coding tape
command tape
control tape
corrected profile data tape
correction tape
cutting tape
data tape
diagnostic tape
digital tape
discretionary-hyphenated tape
distribution tape
distributive tape
double-faced tape
double-pay tape
DP tape
edited master tape
emergency exit tape
empty tape
endless tape
error-free tape
expansion tape
extra-long-play tape
filament tape
file tape
filled tape
first copy tape
first generation tape
focusing tapes
formatted tape
friction tape
fronting tape
fusible tape
glass fiber-micanite tape
gummed tape
heat tape
heat-activated tape
helical-recording tape
helical tape
herringbone tape
hessian tape
idiot tape
in-line feed-hole paper tape
inserted tape
instruction tape
insulating tape
insulation tape
interconnection tape
interconnect tape
intermediate instruction tape
joint tape
justified tape
lead tape
leader tape
lead-frame tape
library tape
log tape
long-play tape
machine control tape
magnetic powder-coated tape
magnetic tape
masking tape
master tape
measuring tape
metal particle tape
metal-oxide tape
mica paper tape
mica tape
multichannel tape
multitrack tape
mylar tape
NC tape
number tape
numerical tape
numeric tape
off-machine generated tape
on-machine generated tape
original tape
paper tape
parcel tape
part program tape
part tape
perforated tape
polyimide tape
prerecorded magnetic tape
prerecorded tape
pressure-sensitive tape
printing tape
program tape
proofed tape
protection tape
punched tape
raw tape
reference tape
reinforced tape
reinforcing tape
resistance tape
rubber tape
scotch tape
scratch tape
seismic tape
self-adhesive tape
semiconducting tape
sound tape
splicing tape
sprocketed tape
sprocket tape
stay tape
streaming tape
surgical tape
surveyor's tape
test tape
transaction tape
transport tape
triple-play tape
unformatted tape
unjustified tape
varnish tape
video tape
virgin tape
warp-knit stringer tape
work tape

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "tape" в других словарях:

  • tape — tape …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • tapé — tapé …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • Tape — refers to a strip of long, thin and narrow matter, usually rolled up. Most commonly, it refers to:Recording media* Magnetic tape * Digital Audio Tape (or DAT ) * Digital Compact Cassette (or DCC ) * Digital video tape * Cassette Tape, a magnetic… …   Wikipedia

  • tape.tv — www.tape.tv Kommerziell Ja Beschreibung Online Musikfernsehsender …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • tape-à-l'œil — [ tapalɶj ] adj. inv. et n. m. inv. • 1904; « celui qui a une tache sur l œil » 1867; de 2. taper et œil ♦ Qui attire l attention par des couleurs voyantes, un luxe tapageur. Une décoration un peu tape à l œil. Des bijoux tape à l œil. ♢ N. m.… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • tapé — tapé, ée (ta pé, pée) part. passé de taper. 1°   Qui a reçu une tape. L enfant tapé par son camarade. 2°   Il se dit de certains fruits aplatis et séchés au four. Poires tapées.    Fig. •   Je deviens plus que jamais pomme tapée ; ne comptez… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • tape à l'œil — ⇒TAPE( )À( )L ŒIL, (TAPE À LŒIL, TAPE À LŒIL)subst. masc. et adj. inv. I. Subst. masc., péj. Ce qui est destiné à faire beaucoup d effet, à éblouir, tout en étant de peu de valeur. Plus de délicatesse... Ni d estime pour les choses du fin travail …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Tape — 〈[ tɛıp] n. 15〉 Magnetband, Tonband, Kassette [engl., „Band, Streifen“] * * * Tape [te:p , teɪp ], das, auch: der; [s], s [engl. tape, eigtl. = Band, Streifen, H. u.]: 1. Magnetband, bes. Tonband. 2. Klebeband. * * * I Tape   [teɪ …   Universal-Lexikon

  • tape — [tāp] n. [ME < OE tæppe, a fillet, akin to tæppa: see TAP2] 1. a strong, narrow, woven strip of cotton, linen, etc. used to bind seams in garments, tie bundles, etc. 2. a narrow strip or band of steel, paper, etc. 3. a strip of cloth stretched …   English World dictionary

  • Tape — Tape, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Taped}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Taping}.] 1. To furnish with tape; to fasten, tie, bind, or the like, with tape; specif. (Elec.), to cover (a wire) with insulating tape. 2. to record on audio tape or video tape; either… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tape — Tape, n. [AS. t[ae]ppe a fillet. Cf. {Tapestry}, {Tippet}.] 1. A narrow fillet or band of cotton or linen; a narrow woven fabric used for strings and the like; as, curtains tied with tape. [1913 Webster] 2. A tapeline; also, a metallic ribbon so… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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