tanker terminal

tanker terminal
танкерный причал

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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  • 2005 Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal fire — {| Location map|Hertfordshire label= background=white lat= 51.764 long= 0.424 caption=Hemel Hempstead in Hertfordshire float=right width=195The 2005 Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal fire was caused by a series of explosions early on the morning …   Wikipedia

  • Sullom Voe Terminal — Le terminal pétrolier de Sullom Voe est un terminal pétrolier et de gaz naturel situé à Sullom Voe dans les Shetland en Écosse. Il gère notamment la production de champ pétrolifère du bassin orientale des Shetland, sans pourtant être une… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Odyssey (tanker) — Not to be confused with Ocean Odyssey Drilling Rig Blowout. Career Name: Odyssey Oriental Phoenix …   Wikipedia

  • De-Kastri terminal — Location Country Russia Location Khabarovsk Krai Details …   Wikipedia

  • Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal — The Hertfordshire Oil Storage Terminal (HOSL Hertfordshire Oil Storage Ltd), generally known as the Buncefield oil depot, is an oil depot located on the edge of Hemel Hempstead (gbmapping|TL087084) to the north of London in the United Kingdom.… …   Wikipedia

  • Valdez oil terminal — The Valdez Oil Terminal is an oil port in Valdez, Alaska, at the southern end of the Alaska Pipeline. It was acquired by British Petroleum in 1969, from the Chugach, for $1. Some natives contend that this was an illegal transfer. The terminal was …   Wikipedia

  • Super-tanker — Pétrolier Un pétrolier est un navire citerne servant à transporter le pétrole ainsi que ses dérivés (essence). Pour le transport d autres liquides, les navires ont d autres appellations : les méthaniers qui transportent le gaz naturel, les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Super tanker — Pétrolier Un pétrolier est un navire citerne servant à transporter le pétrole ainsi que ses dérivés (essence). Pour le transport d autres liquides, les navires ont d autres appellations : les méthaniers qui transportent le gaz naturel, les… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bulk terminal —   A facility used primarily for the storage and/or marketing of petroleum products, which has a total bulk storage capacity of 50,000 barrels or more and/or receives petroleum products by tanker, barge, or pipeline.   U.S. Dept. of Energy, Energy …   Energy terms

  • Geschichte Alaskas — Die Flagge Alaskas Die Geschichte Alaskas als Teil der USA begann 1867, aber die Besiedlung des Gebiets reicht bis in die Altsteinzeit (etwa 12.000 vor Christus) zurück. Die frühesten Bewohner waren asiatische Gruppen, die über Beringia und die… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Mossmorran — The Mossmorran NGL (natural gas liquids) fractionation plant is part of the North Sea Brent oil and gas field system located on the outskirts of Cowdenbeath, Fife. After the gas is separated from oil on the platforms offshore, the gas is then… …   Wikipedia

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