tank gas

tank gas
товарный газ

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "tank gas" в других словарях:

  • tank — n. armored combat vehicle 1) to drive a tank receptacle, container 2) a fish; gas (AE), gasoline (AE), petrol (BE); oil; oxygen; septic; water tank prison (slang) (esp. AE) 3) in the tank misc. 4) a think tank ( a group of thinkers, planners ) *… …   Combinatory dictionary

  • Tank (disambiguation) — A tank is an armoured combat vehicle.Tank may also refer to:Containers* Irrigation tank, in India, refers to an artificial lake or reservoir of any size * Temple tank, In India a well or reservoir built as part of a temple complex * Storage tank… …   Wikipedia

  • Tank blanketing — Tank blanketing, also referred to as tank padding, is the process of applying a gas to the empty space in a storage container. The term storage container here refers to any container that is used to store products, regardless of its size. Though… …   Wikipedia

  • Tank research and development — continues in many industrial countries despite the end of the Cold war. The funds involved are lower than when the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a massive arms race. Most of the tank design bureaus or arsenals now function… …   Wikipedia

  • tank — [tæŋk] noun in the tank FINANCE likely to fail and lose money: • With the junk bond market in the tank, smarter investors are trying to pick up other investments • Sales can t keep going up at that rate, but that doesn t mean the industry is… …   Financial and business terms

  • Tank (Behälter) — Gas und Öltanks einer Erdölraffinerie Tank auf einem Schiff …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • gas up — {v.}, {informal} 1. To fill the gasoline tank of. * /The mechanics gassed up the planes for their long trip./ 2. To fill the tank with gasoline. * /The big truck stopped at the filling station and gassed up./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • gas up — {v.}, {informal} 1. To fill the gasoline tank of. * /The mechanics gassed up the planes for their long trip./ 2. To fill the tank with gasoline. * /The big truck stopped at the filling station and gassed up./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • Tank desant — ( ru. танковый десант, tankovyy desant ) is a military combined arms tactic, where infantry soldiers ride into an attack on tanks, then dismount to fight on foot in the final phase of the assault. Desant (from fr. descente to disembark) is a… …   Wikipedia

  • tank up something — tank up (something) to fill the fuel container of a vehicle with gas or other fuel. There won t be any gas stations for miles and miles, so we d better tank up now. It s always a good idea to tank up a rented car before you return it …   New idioms dictionary

  • tank up — (something) to fill the fuel container of a vehicle with gas or other fuel. There won t be any gas stations for miles and miles, so we d better tank up now. It s always a good idea to tank up a rented car before you return it …   New idioms dictionary

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