- tangent point
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Tangent lines to circles — In Euclidean plane geometry, tangent lines to circles form the subject of several theorems, and play an important role in many geometrical constructions and proofs. Since the tangent line to a circle at a point P is perpendicular to the radius to … Wikipedia
tangent — tangent, ente [ tɑ̃ʒɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1683; lat. tangens, entis, de tangere « toucher » 1 ♦ Géom. Qui n a qu un point de contact en un seul point. (1705) Plan tangent à une surface : ensemble des tangentes en un point à cette surface, formant… … Encyclopédie Universelle
tangent — tangent, ente (tan jan, jan t ) adj. 1° Terme de géométrie. Qui touche une ligne ou une surface en un seul point. Une ligne droite tangente à une courbe est la limite des positions d une sécante dont un des points d intersection avec la… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
Tangent — Tan gent, a. [L. tangens, entis, p. pr.] Touching; touching at a single point; specifically (Geom.) meeting a curve or surface at a point and having at that point the same direction as the curve or surface; said of a straight line, curve, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tangent plane — Tangent Tan gent, a. [L. tangens, entis, p. pr.] Touching; touching at a single point; specifically (Geom.) meeting a curve or surface at a point and having at that point the same direction as the curve or surface; said of a straight line, curve … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tangent scale — Tangent Tan gent, a. [L. tangens, entis, p. pr.] Touching; touching at a single point; specifically (Geom.) meeting a curve or surface at a point and having at that point the same direction as the curve or surface; said of a straight line, curve … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tangent screw — Tangent Tan gent, a. [L. tangens, entis, p. pr.] Touching; touching at a single point; specifically (Geom.) meeting a curve or surface at a point and having at that point the same direction as the curve or surface; said of a straight line, curve … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tangent — [tan′jənt] adj. [L tangens, prp. of tangere, to touch: see TACT] 1. that touches; touching 2. Geom. touching and not intersecting a curve or curved surface at one and only one point: said of a line or plane n. [< ModL ( linea) tangens, tangent … English World dictionary
Point regulier — Point régulier Pour les articles homonymes, voir régulier. En géométrie différentielle, lorsqu on étudie une courbe, une surface, ... il existe une condition suffisante simple, portant sur des dérivées d ordre 1, pour que la courbe, surface, ...… … Wikipédia en Français
Tangent — Tan gent, n. [L. tangens, entis, p. pr. of tangere to touch; akin to Gr. ? having seized: cf. F. tangente. Cf. {Attain}, {Contaminate}, {Contingent}, {Entire}, {Tact}, {Taste}, {Tax}, v. t.] (Geom.) A tangent line curve, or surface; specifically … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tangent galvanometer — Tangent Tan gent, n. [L. tangens, entis, p. pr. of tangere to touch; akin to Gr. ? having seized: cf. F. tangente. Cf. {Attain}, {Contaminate}, {Contingent}, {Entire}, {Tact}, {Taste}, {Tax}, v. t.] (Geom.) A tangent line curve, or surface;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English