- blasting oil
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
blasting oil — nitroglicerolis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Sprogstamoji medžiaga, vaistas. formulė (O₂NOCH₂)₂CHONO₂ atitikmenys: angl. blasting oil; nitroglycerol rus. нитроглицерин ryšiai: sinonimas – nitroglicerinas sinonimas – 1,2,3… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Oil shale extraction — is an industrial process in which kerogen mdash;a mixture of organic chemical compounds (including hydrocarbons) found in oil shale mdash;is converted into synthetic crude oil through pyrolysis. In pyrolysis, oil shale is heated in the absence of … Wikipedia
Oil shale in Estonia — Outcrop of Ordovician kukersite oil shale, northern Estonia Oil shale in Estonia is an important resource for the national economy. Estonia s oil shale deposits account for just 17% of total deposits in the European Union but the country… … Wikipedia
Oil well fire — An oil well on fire in Iraq Oil well fires is the common term for oil or gas wells that have caught on fire and burn. Oil well fires can be the result of human actions, such as accidents or arson, or natural events, such as lightning. They can… … Wikipedia
Abrasive blasting — Sandblasting a stone wall Diesel powered compressor used as an air supply for sandblasting … Wikipedia
Bristle Blasting — ist ein Verfahren zur Bearbeitung metallischer Oberflächen mittels eines speziell entwickelten rotierenden und mit Drähten bestückten Bandes. Es wird angewendet, um Korrosion oder eine eventuell vorhandene Oberflächenbeschichtung zu entfernen und … Deutsch Wikipedia
Rock oil — Rock Rock, n. [OF. roke, F. roche; cf. Armor. roc h, and AS. rocc.] 1. A large concreted mass of stony material; a large fixed stone or crag. See {Stone}. [1913 Webster] Come one, come all! this rock shall fly From its firm base as soon as I. Sir … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
explosive — explosively, adv. explosiveness, n. /ik sploh siv/, adj. 1. tending or serving to explode: an explosive temper; Nitroglycerin is an explosive substance. 2. pertaining to or of the nature of an explosion: explosive violence. 3. likely to lead to… … Universalium
Nitroglycerin — This article is about the chemical properties of nitroglycerin and its use as an explosive. For medical and pharmacological applications, see glyceryl trinitrate (pharmacology). Nitroglycerin … Wikipedia
Dynamit Nobel AG — Dynamite Nobel AG was a German chemical and weapons company whose headquarters was based in Troisdorf. It was founded in 1865 by Alfred Nobel.CreationAfter the death of his younger brother Emil in an 1864 nitroglycerin explosion at the family s… … Wikipedia
Dynamit Nobel — Type limited company Founded 21st June 1865 Founder(s) Alfred Nobel … Wikipedia