take-up speed
Смотреть что такое "take-up speed" в других словарях:
Speed Modelling Contest — Speed Modeling Contests (SMC for short) are competitions using 3D computer graphics software. Artists gather together, decide on a topic and a time limit and create 3d models in the allotted time limit. Although the spirit of the contest is to… … Wikipedia
Speed limits in the United States — are set by each state or territory. Speed limits in the United States vary according to the type of road and land use. These speed limits do not exceed eighty miles per hour. Increments of five miles per hour are used. Additionally, these limits… … Wikipedia
Speed skating — or speedskating is a competitive form of skating in which the competitors race each other in travelling a certain distance on skates. Types of speedskating are long track speedskating, short track speedskating, inline speedskating (or inline… … Wikipedia
Speed dating — is a formalized matchmaking process or dating system whose purpose is to encourage people to meet a large number of new people. Its origins are credited to Rabbi Yaacov Deyo of Aish HaTorah, originally as a way to help Jewish singles meet and… … Wikipedia
speed camera — noun An automatic camera installed at the side of a road to measure and record the speed of vehicles (often shortened to speed cam) • • • Main Entry: ↑speed * * * speed camera UK US noun [countable] [singular speed camera … Useful english dictionary
Take Ichi convoy — Part of Pacific War … Wikipedia
Speed (TV channel) — Speed Launched January 1, 1996 (USA) November 1, 2010 (Australia) Owned by News Corporation (SPEED Channel Inc.) Premier Media Group (Australia) Picture format USA 480i … Wikipedia
Speed cameras in Australia — Speed Cameras are used in Australia to enforce speed limits. Mobile CamerasGatso Speed CameraThis mobile camera is used in Victoria and Queensland, and can be operated in various manners. Without a flash, the only evidence of speed camera on the… … Wikipedia
Speed skating at the 2007 Asian Winter Games — Speed skating featured as part of the 2007 Asian Winter Games in the newly constructed Jilin Provincial Speed Skating Rink in Changchun. Ten medal events were contested, with the men s 10,000 metres, a part of the Games since 1986, replaced by… … Wikipedia
speed — n 1 *haste, hurry, expedition, dispatch Analogous words: *celerity, legerity, alacrity: fleetness, rapidity, swiftness, quickness (see corresponding adjectives at FAST): velocity, pace, headway (see SPEED) 2 Speed, velocity, momentum, impetus,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
Speed pool — is a solitary pool game. As its name suggests, one Cuegloss|Pocket|pockets all the balls on the table as quickly as possible. It can played competitively with the aid of a stopwatch.Rules*The Cuegloss|Cue ball|cue ball must not be in motion when… … Wikipedia