
1) стол
2) горн. концентрационный стол
3) рольганг, стол прокатного стана
4) уровень (напр. подземных вод)
5) архит. карниз; пояс
6) опёртая горизонтальная плита
7) полка (таврового сечения)
8) планшайба
9) рбт планшет
10) позиция (на роботизированном участке производства)
11) координатный стол
12) графопостроитель
13) полигр. талер
14) таблица
15) матрица
360-degree indexing table
accumulator table
address table
air navigation table
air transport movement table
air-bearing rotary table
air-bearing table
air-cushion table
altitude-conversion table
Ampere's table
antifriction ball table
approach extension table
approach table
attribute-value table
auxiliary rotary table
average standard table
back auxiliary table
back live table
back main table
back mill table
back tilting table
bar shear table
barometric reduction table
boiling table
buffet table
bundling table
bypass table
carry-over table
caster table
chain and grid cooling table
character count table
charging roller table
chart table
checking table
check table
classifying table
coal-washing table
code table
collecting roller table
color look-up table
compound table
configuration table
connectivity table
continuous table
contouring table
conversion table
cooling bed run-in table
cooling bed run-out table
cooling table
coordinate table
copyfitting table
correction table
correlation table
corrosion table
crossed motion table
cross-reference table
crucible table
cutting table
dead roller table
decision table
dedicated-position indexing table
delay table
delivery table
depressing table
derrick table
dial indexing table
disappearing table
discharging roller table
disk-type roller table
dividing canted table
drafting table
drain table
drawing table
driven rotary table
drop table
dumping table
editing table
electrical interchangeability reference table
electrical interchangeability table
elevating table
encircling roller table
equivalence table
erase table
expanded coil table
extended side table
fastness table
feed table
feeder table
feeding-and-catching table
felling table
fettling table
filler table
finishing table
fixed tilling table
floating table
font width table
frequency table
front auxiliary table
front main table
front mill table
front table
front tilting table
frying table
function table
functional interchangeability reference table
functional interchangeability table
furnace charging table
gathering table
glass blower's table
groundwater table
group-driven roller table
hardness conversion table
hashed table
hash table
head-indexing table
heat content table
hinge-type disappearing table
holding table
hold table
hump table
hydrostatic table
ingot receiving table
ingot transfer table
inlet table
in-out table
inspection bed roller table
insulating table
interchangeability reference table
interchangeability table
jarring table
jump table
kickoff table
ladle-lining table
layout table
lifting table
lift table
lifting-turning table
light table
lineup table
locking table
logarithmic table
log table
look-up table
looping table
loop table
magazine table
magnetic table
main table
marking table
metering table
mill table
movable table
multiplication table
name table
NC ultra-precise rotary table
offset table
output table
page table
pallet table
paper table
perched water table
periodic table
permafrost table
permanent rotary table
piling table
plane table
plotting table
polling table
positioning table
preparation table
pressure conversion table
program reference table
programmable position rotary table
psychrometric tables
reel table
reference table
relaxation table
rewinding table
roller table
roll table
rotary indexing table
rotary table
rotating-tilting table
routing table
ruling-up table
run-around table
run-back table
run-in table
run-up table
sand table
saturation steam table
segment table
sequence table
shake table
shake-out table
shaking table
shock table
shuttle table
single table
skeleton table
slewing table
slime table
split table
standard reference table
state table
steam table
stepping table
summary table
surveyor's table
symbol table
table of natural cosines
table of cosines
table of natural sines
table of sines
table of weights and measures
tandem table
tank tables
threading table
three-axis table
tide table
tight coiling table
tilling table
till table
tooling table
trace table
tracing table
transfer rolled table
transfer table
transition table
translation table
traveling roller table
truth table
turning table
turn table
two-axis table
two-tier mobile catering table
unloading table
user profile table
vacuum table
vibrating table
voltage table
water table
weight-scale table
wire table
wire-gage table
workpiece supporting table
X-Y table

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "table" в других словарях:

  • table — [ tabl ] n. f. • 1050; var. taule XIIIe (→ tôle); lat. tabula « planche, tablette » I ♦ Objet formé essentiellement d une surface plane horizontale, généralement supportée par un pied, des pieds, sur lequel on peut poser des objets. 1 ♦ Surface… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • table — TABLE. s. f. Meuble ordinairement de bois, fait d un ou de plusieurs ais, & posé sur un, ou plusieurs pieds; & dont on se sert pour manger, pour escrire, pour joüer, &c. Table de chesne. table de bois de noyer. table de marqueterie. table à un… …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

  • TABLE —     Table, s. f., terme très étendu qui a plusieurs significations.     Table à manger, table de jeu, table à écrire. Première table, seconde table, table du commun. Table de buffet, table d hôte, où l on mange à tant par repas; bonne table,… …   Dictionnaire philosophique de Voltaire

  • Table — Ta ble, n. [F., fr. L. tabula a board, tablet, a painting. Cf. {Tabular}, {Taffrail}, {Tavern}.] 1. A smooth, flat surface, like the side of a board; a thin, flat, smooth piece of anything; a slab. [1913 Webster] A bagnio paved with fair tables… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • table — Ta ble, n. [F., fr. L. tabula a board, tablet, a painting. Cf. {Tabular}, {Taffrail}, {Tavern}.] 1. A smooth, flat surface, like the side of a board; a thin, flat, smooth piece of anything; a slab. [1913 Webster] A bagnio paved with fair tables… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • table — Table, f. penac. Vient par syncope du Latin Tabula, comme de Seculum, Crustulum, Seclum, Crustlum, et signifie en general un ais de bois long et quarré. Selon laquelle signification on dit Entablature, où plusieurs tels ais sont rengez pair à… …   Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • table — [tā′bəl] n. [OFr < L tabula, a board, painting, tablet < ? IE * taldhla < base * tel , flat, a board > OE thille, thin board, flooring] 1. Obs. a thin, flat tablet or slab of metal, stone, or wood, used for inscriptions 2. a) a piece… …   English World dictionary

  • Table A — A standard set of Articles of Association which can be incorporated by reference in the Articles of Association of any company. It is usually used to cover non essential procedural issues. Found in the Companies (Tables A F) Regulations 1985… …   Law dictionary

  • table — [n1] furniture upon which to work, eat bar, bench, board, buffet, bureau, console, counter, desk, dining table, dinner table, dresser, lectern, pulpit, sideboard, sink, slab, stand, wagon; concept 443 table [n2] meal bill of fare, board, cuisine …   New thesaurus

  • Table — Ta ble (t[=a] b l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Tabled} (t[=a] b ld); p. pr. & vb. n. {Tabling} (t[=a] bling).] 1. To form into a table or catalogue; to tabulate; as, to table fines. [1913 Webster] 2. To delineate, as on a table; to represent, as in a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • table — ► NOUN 1) a piece of furniture with a flat top and one or more legs, for eating, writing, or working at. 2) a set of facts or figures systematically displayed. 3) (tables) multiplication tables. 4) food provided in a restaurant or household: food …   English terms dictionary

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