- synergistic effect
синергетическое (взаимно усиливающее) действие, синергетический эффект, синергизм
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
synergistic effect — A protective effect occurring as a result of the combination of a metallic and an additional organic coating … Dictionary of automotive terms
Synergistic effect — A violation of value additivity whereby the value of the combination is greater than the sum of the individual values. The New York Times Financial Glossary … Financial and business terms
synergistic effect — A violation of value additivity in that the value of a combination is greater than the sum of the individual values. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary … Financial and business terms
synergistic — 1. Pertaining to synergism. 2. Denoting a synergist. SYN: synergetic, synergic. * * * syn·er·gis·tic .sin ər jis tik adj 1) having the capacity to act in synergism <synergistic drugs> <synergistic muscles> 2) of, relating to, or… … Medical dictionary
synergistic — adjective 1. used especially of drugs or muscles that work together so the total effect is greater than the sum of the two (or more) (Freq. 1) • Syn: ↑interactive • Ant: ↑antagonistic • Derivationally related forms: ↑synergism 2 … Useful english dictionary
effect — See alteration effect barrier effect braking effect engine braking effect ground effect hall effect kadenacy effect liftoff effect load alteration effect … Dictionary of automotive terms
synergistic — synergistically, adv. /sin euhr jis tik/, adj. 1. pertaining to, characteristic of, or resembling synergism: a synergistic effect. 2. acting as a synergist; producing synergism; interacting. 3. of or pertaining to theological synergism or… … Universalium
Synergistic enhancer (antiretroviral) — Synergistic enhancers of antiretrovirals usually do not possess any antiretroviral properties alone, but when they are taken concurrently with antiretroviral drugs they enhance the effect of that drug. One of these is an over the counter… … Wikipedia
effect — The result or consequence of an action. [L. efficio, pp. effectus, to accomplish, fr. facio, to do] abscopal e. a reaction produced following irradiation but occurring outside the zone of actual radiation absorption. additive e. an e. wherein two … Medical dictionary
synergistic — In medicine, describes the interaction of two or more drugs when their combined effect is greater than the sum of the effects seen when each drug is given alone … English dictionary of cancer terms
Синергический эффект — (synergistic effect) в фармакологии это усиление эффектов, возникающие, когда на тело одновременно действует больше одного лекарства … Общая психология: глоссарий