- surface range
горизонтальная дальность
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Range segmentation — A range image contains 3D information about a scene including the depth of each pixel. Segmenting a range image is the task of dividing the image into regions so that all the points of the same surface belong to the same region, there is no… … Wikipedia
Surface freezing — is the appearance of long range crystalline order in a near surface layer of a liquid. The surface freezing effect is opposite to a far more common surface melting, or premelting. Surface Freezing was experimentally discovered in melts of alkanes … Wikipedia
Surface irrigation — is defined as the group of application techniques where water is applied and distributed over the soil surface by gravity. It is by far the most common form of irrigation throughout the world and has been practiced in many areas virtually… … Wikipedia
Surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy — Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, or Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering, often abbreviated SERS, is a surface sensitive technique that results in the enhancement of Raman scattering by molecules adsorbed on rough metal surfaces. The enhancement … Wikipedia
Surface reconstruction — refers to the process by which atoms at the surface of a crystal assume a different structure than that of the bulk. Surface reconstructions are important in that they help in the understanding of surface chemistry for various materials,… … Wikipedia
Surface engineering — is the sub discipline of materials science which deals with the surface of solid matter. It has applications to chemistry, mechanical engineering, and electrical engineering (particularly in relation to semiconductor manufacturing).Solids are… … Wikipedia
Surface weather observation — Surface weather observations are the fundamental data used for safety as well as climatological reasons to forecast weather and issue warnings worldwide. [Office of the Federal Coordinator of Meteorology. [http://www.ofcm.gov/fmh 1/pdf/B CH2.pdf… … Wikipedia
range — [rānj] vt. ranged, ranging [ME rangen < OFr ranger, var. of rengier, to arrange in a circle, row (> ME rengen) < renc < Frank * hring, akin to OE, OHG hring,RING2] 1. to arrange in a certain order; esp., to set in a row or rows 2. to… … English World dictionary
Surface finishing — is a broad range of industrial processes that alter the surface of a manufactured item to achieve a certain property.[1] Finishing processes may be employed to: improve appearance, adhesion or wettability, solderability, corrosion resistance,… … Wikipedia
Range Regional Airport — IATA: HIB – ICAO: KHIB – FAA LID: HIB … Wikipedia
Surface brightness fluctuation — (SBF) is a secondary distance indicator used to estimate distances to galaxies. The technique uses the fact that galaxies are made up of a finite number of stars. The number of stars in any small patch of the galaxy will vary from point to point … Wikipedia