- surface modification
модификация поверхности
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Surface modification — Surface modification. См. Модификация поверхности. (Источник: «Металлы и сплавы. Справочник.» Под редакцией Ю.П. Солнцева; НПО Профессионал , НПО Мир и семья ; Санкт Петербург, 2003 г.) … Словарь металлургических терминов
surface analysis — ▪ chemistry Introduction in analytical chemistry (chemistry), the study of that part of a solid that is in contact with a gas or a vacuum. When two phases of matter are in contact, they form an interface. The term surface is usually… … Universalium
Modification Du Temps — Le but de la modification du temps est de contrôler les phénomènes météorologiques tels cette tornade en Oklahoma La modification du temps est la manipulation des paramètres physiques qui contrôlent les phénomènes météorologiques. Le but est de… … Wikipédia en Français
Modification du temps — La modification du temps est la manipulation des paramètres physiques qui contrôlent les phénomènes météorologiques. Le but est de modifier l évolution du temps afin d obtenir des conditions favorables et d amoindrir les phénomènes violents. Le… … Wikipédia en Français
Implant (body modification) — Implants in the arm. In body modification, an implant is a device placed under the human skin for decorative purposes. Such implants may be subdermal or transdermal. In the context of body modification, some may consider injections of silicone… … Wikipedia
Body modification — (or body alteration) is the deliberate altering of the human body for any non medical reason, such as aesthetics, sexual enhancement, a rite of passage, religious reasons, to display group membership or affiliation, to create body art, shock… … Wikipedia
Cloud reflectivity modification — Cloud reflectivity enhancement is also known as marine cloud brightening or cloud whitening on low cloud. An opposite scheme exists to reduce the reflectivity of higher, colder cirrus clouds.[1] It is a geoengineering technique that works by… … Wikipedia
Sea surface temperature — Weekly average sea surface temperature for the World Ocean during the first week of February 2011, during a period of La Niña … Wikipedia
Zariski surface — In algebraic geometry, a branch of mathematics, a Zariski surface is a surface over a field of characteristic p gt; 0 such that there is a dominant inseparable map of degree p from the projective plane to the surface. In particular, all Zariski… … Wikipedia
Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme Division, Virginia Beach Detachment — (NSWC PHD VAB DET) is the East Coast detachment of the Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme Division (NSWC PHD). The Virginia Beach Detachment was established to support the Port Hueneme Division’s mission to provide test and evaluation, in… … Wikipedia
Impervious surface — Impervious surfaces are mainly artificial structures, such as pavements, rooftops, sidewalks, roads, and parking lots covered by impenetrable materials such as asphalt, concrete, brick, and stone. Soils compacted by urban development are also… … Wikipedia