surface check

surface check
1) контроль качества поверхности
2) поверхностная трещина
3) клетчатая насечка или рифление на поверхности

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

Игры ⚽ Поможем решить контрольную работу

Смотреть что такое "surface check" в других словарях:

  • Check Yourself — Single by The Temptations from the album Meet The Temptations B side Your Wonderful Love Released November 7, 1961 …   Wikipedia

  • Check valve — Tilting disc inconel check valve …   Wikipedia

  • Check valve — Valve Valve, n. [L. valva the leaf, fold, or valve of a door: cf. F. valve.] [1913 Webster] 1. A door; especially, one of a pair of folding doors, or one of the leaves of such a door. [1913 Webster] Swift through the valves the visionary fair… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • check — [[t]tʃɛk[/t]] v. t. 1) to stop or arrest the motion of suddenly or forcibly 2) to restrain; control: to check an impulse[/ex] 3) to cause to diminish, as in rate or intensity 4) to verify the correctness of, as by comparison 5) to inquire into,… …   From formal English to slang

  • Surface tension — For the work of fiction, see Surface Tension (short story). Surface tension is a property of the surface of a liquid that causes it to behave as an elastic sheet. It allows insects, such as the water strider (pond skater, UK), to walk on water.… …   Wikipedia

  • Surface Transportation Assistance Act — The Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 was a comprehensive transportation funding and policy act. USStat|87|2136Effective in 1983, Section 405 (USC|49|31105) was enacted to encourage employee reporting of noncompliance with safety… …   Wikipedia

  • Solid surface — is a man made material usually composed of marble dust, bauxite, acrylic or polyester resins and pigments. It is most frequently used for seamless countertop installations. Contents 1 Performance characteristics 2 Availability …   Wikipedia

  • Roman surface — The Roman surface (so called because Jakob Steiner was in Rome when he thought of it) is a self intersecting mapping of the real projective plane into three dimensional space, with an unusually high degree of symmetry. The mapping is not an… …   Wikipedia

  • Hidden surface determination — In 3D computer graphics, hidden surface determination (also known as hidden surface removal (HSR), occlusion culling (OC) or visible surface determination (VSD)) is the process used to determine which surfaces and parts of surfaces are not… …   Wikipedia

  • Solid surface — ou Surface solide est un matériau haut de gamme issu du mélange de matières naturelles (bauxite), de résines acrylique ou polyester et de pigments. Ce matériau a des propriétés extraordinaires tout en gardant une esthétique pure et design :… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser — The vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL; [v ɪxl] ) is a type of semiconductor laser diode with laser beam emission perpendicular from the top surface, contrary to conventional edge emitting semiconductor lasers (also in plane lasers)… …   Wikipedia

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