- supercritical pressure
сверхкритическое давление
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
supercritical pressure — virškritinis slėgis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. supercritical pressure vok. überkritischer Druck, m rus. сверхкритическое давление, n pranc. pression surcritique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Supercritical fluid extraction — (SFE) is the process of separating one component (the extractant) from another (the matrix) using supercritical fluids as the extracting solvent. Extraction is usually from a solid matrix, but can also be from liquids. SFE can be used as a sample … Wikipedia
Supercritical water oxidation — or SCWO is a process that occurs in water at temperatures and pressures above a mixture s thermodynamic critical point. Under these conditions water becomes a fluid with unique properties that can be used to advantage in the destruction of… … Wikipedia
Supercritical drying — (red arrow) goes beyond the critical point of the working fluid in order to avoid the direct liquid–gas transition seen in ordinary drying (green arrow) or the two phase changes in freeze drying (blue arrow). Supercritical drying is a process to… … Wikipedia
Supercritical — may refer to:* Critical mass, the smallest amount of fissile material needed for a sustained nuclear chain reaction * Critical temperature, Tc, the temperature above which distinct liquid and gas phases do not exist * Supercritical fluid, a… … Wikipedia
Supercritical fluid chromatography — is a form of normal phase chromatography that is used for the analysis and purification of low to moderate molecular weight, thermally labile molecules. It can also be used for the separation of chiral compounds. Principles are similar to those… … Wikipedia
Supercritical fluid — A supercritical fluid is any substance at a temperature and pressure above its thermodynamic critical point. It can diffuse through solids like a gas, and dissolve materials like a liquid. Additionally, close to the critical point, small changes… … Wikipedia
Supercritical carbon dioxide — Carbon dioxide pressure temperature phase diagram Supercritical carbon dioxide is a fluid state of carbon dioxide where it is held at or above its critical temperature and critical pressure. Carbon dioxide usually behaves as a gas in air at STP… … Wikipedia
Supercritical water reactor — The Supercritical water reactor (SCWR) is a Generation IV reactor concept that uses supercritical water as the working fluid. SCWRs are basically LWRs operating at higher pressure and temperatures with a direct, once through cycle. As most… … Wikipedia
Supercritical airfoil — it has since been mainly applied to increase the fuel efficiency of many high subsonic aircraft. Research in 1940 by DVL s K. A. Kawalki led to subsonic profiles very similar to the supercritical profiles, which was the basis for the objection in … Wikipedia
Pressure-fed cycle (rocket) — The pressure fed cycle is a class of rocket engine designs. A separate gas supply, usually helium, pressurizes the propellant tanks to force fuel and oxidizer to the combustion chamber. To maintain adequate flow, the tank pressures must exceed… … Wikipedia