subscription publication

subscription publication
подписное издание

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "subscription publication" в других словарях:

  • publication watch — A method of determining the reason for delayed delivery or nondelivery of periodicals, newspapers, and other subscription materials. The addressee completes Form 3721, Publication Watch, to verify originating and destinating information …   Glossary of postal terms

  • subscription */ — UK [səbˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n] / US noun Word forms subscription : singular subscription plural subscriptions 1) [countable] an agreement to pay an amount of money so that you will receive something such as a magazine or a service. You take out a… …   English dictionary

  • subscription — sub|scrip|tion [ səb skrıpʃən ] noun * 1. ) count an agreement to pay an amount of money so that you will receive something such as a magazine or a service. You take out a subscription, usually for a year, and renew it if you want to continue the …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • subscription-based publishing — /səbˌskrɪpʃən beɪst pʌblɪʃɪŋ/ noun a form of publishing in which readers pay a subscription and in return have a magazine, book, or other publication delivered to them regularly by post or email …   Marketing dictionary in english

  • subscription — n. 1 a the act or an instance of subscribing. b money subscribed. 2 Brit. a fee for the membership of a society etc., esp. paid regularly. 3 a an agreement to take and pay for usu. a specified number of issues of a newspaper, magazine, etc. b the …   Useful english dictionary

  • subscription edition — 1. an edition of one or more volumes for which a number of prospective purchasers place orders, usually in advance of publication. 2. a specially designed edition offered to subscribers, usually on an installment or deferred payment plan, or on… …   Universalium

  • subscription edition — noun 1. : an edition published after a required number of subscriptions has been guaranteed 2. : an edition usually in a special format and binding sold only to subscribers * * * 1. an edition of one or more volumes for which a number of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Online publication — is a collection of web pages images and videos used to make content publicly known. Computers and the internet have changed the face of publishing, lowering the cost, and allowing more people to publish, through both desktop publishing and… …   Wikipedia

  • Aeronautical Information Publication — In aviation, an Aeronautical Information Publication (or AIP) is defined by the International Civil Aviation Organization as a publication issued by or with the authority of a state and containing aeronautical information of a lasting character… …   Wikipedia

  • Biscuit Fire publication controversy — The Biscuit Fire publication controversy refers to an academic and political controversy in the United States which occurred in January 2006. The U.S Forest Service and a group of professors (including six at the Oregon State University College… …   Wikipedia

  • Victorian societies for text publication — were learned societies, in the United Kingdom for the nineteenth century, existing principally or having as a main function to produce scholarly editions of old works of historical or literary interest. At the time they were often called “book… …   Wikipedia

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