submarine sonar

submarine sonar
гидролокационная станция, гидролокатор

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "submarine sonar" в других словарях:

  • Sonar Technician — (abbreviated as ST) is a United States Navy occupational rating.SoM Soundman: Pay grades 2c and 3c established 1942; pay grades C and 1c established 1943; SoMH Soundman (Harbor Defense)SO Sonarman: 1943 1964; SOG Sonarman (Sonar);SOH Sonarman… …   Wikipedia

  • Submarine navigation — underwater requires special skills and technologies not needed by surface ships. The challenges of underwater navigation have become more important as submarines’ spend more time underwater, travelling greater distances and at higher speed.… …   Wikipedia

  • Sonar 2087 — is a towed array sonar system for Royal Navy Type 23 frigates manufactured by Thales Underwater Systems.Sonar 2087 will replace the current Sonar 2031 towed array. The introduction of this advanced new Sonar will significantly enhance,the Royal… …   Wikipedia

  • SONAR — On désigne sous le nom de sonar l’ensemble des techniques qui permettent de transmettre et de recevoir de l’information à travers le milieu marin en utilisant les ondes de vibrations élastiques. L’eau propage ces vibrations à de grandes distances …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Sonar actif — Sonar Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sonar (homonymie). Un sonar (acronyme de sound navigation and ranging) est un appareil, utilisant les propriétés particulières de la propagation du son dans l eau pour détecter et situer les objets sous l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Sonar passif — Sonar Pour les articles homonymes, voir Sonar (homonymie). Un sonar (acronyme de sound navigation and ranging) est un appareil, utilisant les propriétés particulières de la propagation du son dans l eau pour détecter et situer les objets sous l… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Submarine films — are a subgenre of war film which takes place in a submarine below the surface of the ocean. Films of this subgenre typically focus on a small but determined crew of submariners battling against enemy submarines or submarine hunter ships, or… …   Wikipedia

  • Submarine landslide — Submarine landslides are marine landslides that transport sediment across the continental shelf and into the deep ocean. A submarine landslide is initiated when the downwards driving stress (gravity and other factors) exceeds the resisting stress …   Wikipedia

  • sonar — SONÁR, sonare, s.n. 1. Principiu natural şi tehnic de detectare a unui obiect în spaţiu, bazat pe emisia şi reflectarea undelor. 2. Detector sonic pentru telecomunicaţii subacvatice, folosit pentru reperarea unor obiecte submarine. – Din fr.… …   Dicționar Român

  • Sonar — This article is about underwater sound propagation. For atmospheric sounding, see SODAR. For other uses, see Sonar (disambiguation) …   Wikipedia

  • submarine — n. /sub meuh reen , sub meuh reen /; adj., v. /sub meuh reen /, n., adj., v., submarined, submarining. n. 1. a vessel that can be submerged and navigated under water, usually built for warfare and armed with torpedoes or guided missiles. 2.… …   Universalium

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