subcritical assembly

subcritical assembly
подкритическая сборка (ядерного реактора)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "subcritical assembly" в других словарях:

  • Subcritical assembly — См. Подкритическая сборка Термины атомной энергетики. Концерн Росэнергоатом, 2010 …   Термины атомной энергетики

  • Nuclear reactor physics — See also: Critical mass Nuclear reactor physics is the branch of science that deals with the study and application of chain reaction to induce controlled rate of fission for energy in reactors. Most nuclear reactors use a chain reaction to induce …   Wikipedia

  • Critical mass — This article is about nuclear fission reactions. For other uses, see Critical mass (disambiguation). As part of a re creation of a 1945 criticality accident, a plutonium pit is surrounded by blocks of neutron reflective tungsten carbide. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Prompt critical — In nuclear engineering, an assembly is prompt critical if for each nuclear fission event, one or more of the immediate or prompt neutrons released causes an additional fission event. This causes a rapidly exponential increase in the number of… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear chain reaction — A possible nuclear fission chain reaction. 1. A uranium 235 atom absorbs a neutron, and fissions into two new atoms (fission fragments), releasing three new neutrons and a large amount of binding energy. 2. One of those neutrons is absorbed by an …   Wikipedia

  • Prompt neutron — In nuclear engineering, a prompt neutron is a neutron immediately emitted by a nuclear fission event, as opposed to a delayed neutron decay which can occur within the same context, emitted by one of the fission products anytime from a few… …   Wikipedia

  • Delayed neutron — In nuclear engineering, a delayed neutron is a neutron emitted after a nuclear fission event by one of the fission products anytime from a few milliseconds to a few minutes later, similar to a prompt neutron decay which can occur within the same… …   Wikipedia

  • Nuclear power in Switzerland — …   Wikipedia

  • Подкритическая сборка — Subcritical assembly исследовательская ядерная установка, не позволяющая осуществлять самоподдерживающуюся цепную ядерную реакцию из за ограничений в распределении и конфигурации делящегося материала. Термины атомной энергетики. Концерн… …   Термины атомной энергетики

  • подкритическая сборка — Исследовательская ядерная установка, не позволяющая осуществлять самоподдерживающуюся цепную ядерную реакцию из за ограничений в распределении и конфигурации делящегося материала. [] Тематики атомная… …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • nuclear weapon — an explosive device whose destructive potential derives from the release of energy that accompanies the splitting or combining of atomic nuclei. [1945 50] * * * or atomic weapon or thermonuclear weapon Bomb or other warhead that derives its force …   Universalium

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