- stunning
оглушение (скота перед убоем)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Stunning — is the process of rendering animals immobile or unconscious prior to their being slaughtered for food. This process has been common for centuries in the case of cattle, who were poleaxed prior to being bled out. In the United Kingdom and Europe… … Wikipedia
Stunning — Stun ning, a. 1. Overpowering consciousness; overpowering the senses; especially, overpowering the sense of hearing; confounding with noise. [1913 Webster] 2. Striking or overpowering with astonishment, especially on account of excellence; as,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
stunning — [adj] beautiful, marvelous beauteous, bonny, brilliant, comely, dazzling, devastating, excellent, fair, famous, fine, first class*, firstrate*, gorgeous, great, handsome, heavenly, impressive, lovely, number one*, out of this world*, pretty,… … New thesaurus
stunning — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ extremely impressive or attractive. DERIVATIVES stunningly adverb … English terms dictionary
stunning — [stun′iŋ] adj. 1. that stuns 2. Informal remarkably attractive, excellent, etc. stunningly adv … English World dictionary
stunning — [[t]stʌ̱nɪŋ[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n A stunning person or thing is extremely beautiful or impressive. She was 55 and still a stunning woman... A stunning display of fireworks lit up the sky. Syn: fabulous Derived words: stunningly ADV GRADED … English dictionary
stunning */ — UK [ˈstʌnɪŋ] / US adjective 1) a) very impressive or beautiful a stunning display of tropical plants The view from the top of the hill is stunning. b) extremely attractive a stunning blonde • Collocations: Nouns frequently used with stunning… … English dictionary
stunning — adj. VERBS ▪ be, look ▪ find sth ADVERB ▪ really ▪ You look really stunning in that dress! ▪ … Collocations dictionary
stunning — stun|ning [ stʌnıŋ ] adjective * 1. ) very impressive or beautiful: a stunning display of tropical plants The view from the top of the hill is stunning. a ) extremely attractive: a stunning blonde 2. ) usually before noun surprising, powerful,… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
stunning — adjective Date: 1667 1. causing astonishment or disbelief < stunning news > 2. strikingly impressive especially in beauty or excellence < a stunning view > < stunning workmanship > • stunningly adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
stunning — stun|ning [ˈstʌnıŋ] adj 1.) extremely attractive or beautiful ▪ You look absolutely stunning in that dress. ▪ a stunning view see usage note ↑beautiful 2.) very surprising or shocking = ↑staggering ▪ stunning news >stunningly … Dictionary of contemporary English