- strontium carbonate
карбонат стронция
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Strontium carbonate — Chembox new ImageFile = SrCO3.jpg ImageSize = IUPACName = Strontium Carbonate OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 1633 05 2 PubChem = SMILES = Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = SrCO3 MolarMass = 147.63 g/mol Appearance =… … Wikipedia
strontium carbonate — noun : a crystalline salt SrCO3 occurring naturally as strontianite and used chiefly in fireworks, in iridescent glass, and in making other strontium compounds * * * strontium carbonate, a white, odorless powder, in its natural state the… … Useful english dictionary
strontium carbonate — stroncio karbonatas statusas T sritis chemija formulė SrCO₃ atitikmenys: angl. strontium carbonate rus. стронций углекислый; стронция карбонат ryšiai: sinonimas – stroncio trioksokarbonatas … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Strontium — Rubidium ← Strontium → Yttrium Ca … Wikipédia en Français
Strontium — (pronEng|ˈstrɒntiəm, ) is a chemical element with the symbol Sr and the atomic number 38. An alkaline earth metal, strontium is a soft silver white or yellowish metallic element that is highly reactive chemically. The metal turns yellow when… … Wikipedia
Strontium nitrate — IUPAC name Strontium nitrate … Wikipedia
Strontium chloride — IUPAC name Strontium chloride … Wikipedia
Strontium oxide — Chembox new Name = Strontium oxide ImageFile = Strontium oxide.jpg ImageName = Strontium oxide Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASNo = 1314 11 0 Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = SrO MolarMass = 103.600 g/mol Appearance = Density = 5.7 g/cm3 … Wikipedia
Strontium hydroxide — Chembox new Name = Strontium hydroxide Section1 = Chembox Identifiers CASOther = [18480 07 4] (anhydrous) Section2 = Chembox Properties Formula = Sr(OH)2 MolarMass = 121.63468 g·mol–1 (anhydrous) 139.64996 g·mol–1 (monohydrate) 265.75692 g·mol–1… … Wikipedia
Strontium iodide — chembox new ImageFile = ImageSize = IUPACName = Strontium iodide SystematicName = OtherNames = Section1 = Chembox Identifiers Abbreviations = CASNo = 10476 86 5(anhydrous) EINECS = EINECSCASNO = PubChem = SMILES = InChI = RTECS = WK9275000… … Wikipedia
STRONTIUM — De Strontian, ville d’Écosse. Symbole chimique: Sr Numéro atomique: 38 Masse atomique: 87,62 Point de fusion: 769 0C Point d’ébullition: 1 384 0C Densité (à 20 0C): 2,54 Métal alcalinoterreux mou, de reflet argenté quand il est fraîchement coupé … Encyclopédie Universelle