
1) строб-импульс, стробирующий [селекторный\] импульс || стробировать
2) рлк метка шкалы дальности
3) линия или клин на экране индикатора (в результате действия активной радиопомехи)
4) стробоскоп
address data strobe
address strobe
column-address strobe
input data strobe
output data strobe
row-address strobe

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "strobe" в других словарях:

  • Strobe — Basisdaten Entwickler Julian Assange Aktuelle Version …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Strobe — est une super vilaine mutante créée par Marvel Comics. Elle est apparue pour la première fois dans New Mutants #86. Origines On ignore le passé de la mutante surnommée Strobe. Pendant la période de passation de la loi sur le Mutant Registration… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • strobe — [strōb] n. 1. short for STROBOSCOPE (sense 1) 2. an electronically regulated discharge tube that can emit extremely rapid, brief, and brilliant flashes of light: used in photography, the theater, etc.: also strobe light adj. STROBOSCOPIC …   English World dictionary

  • Strobe — Strobe,   die Weymouthskiefer (Kiefer). * * * Stro|be, die; , n [nach dem nlat. bot. Namen Pinus strobus]: Weymouthskiefer …   Universal-Lexikon

  • strobe — 1942, shortening of stroboscope instrument for studying motion by periodically interrupted light (1896), from Gk. strobos act of whirling + SCOPE (Cf. scope) …   Etymology dictionary

  • strobe — informal ► NOUN 1) a stroboscope. 2) a stroboscopic lamp. 3) N. Amer. an electronic flash for a camera. ► VERB 1) flash intermittently. 2) show or cause strobing …   English terms dictionary

  • strobe — [[t]stro͟ʊb[/t]] strobes N COUNT: oft N n A strobe or a strobe light is a very bright light which flashes on and off very quickly. The band left their strobes on for 20 minutes. strobe lighting at a disco …   English dictionary

  • strobe — [[t]stroʊb[/t]] n. 1) pht elm Also called strobe′ light . an electronic flash that produces rapid, brilliant bursts of light, used for high speed photography, special lighting effects, etc 2) pht inf pertaining to or using a stroboscope or strobe …   From formal English to slang

  • strobe — /strohb/, Photog. Informal. n. 1. Also called strobe light. stroboscope (def. 2a). adj. 2. stroboscopic. [1940 45; shortened form] * * * …   Universalium

  • strobe — noun Strobe is used before these nouns: ↑light …   Collocations dictionary

  • strobe — strəʊb n. strobe light, lamp which produces a short bright light for the purpose of photographing high speed objects; stroboscope …   English contemporary dictionary

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