streaming-tape drive

streaming-tape drive
накопитель на бегущей (магнитной) ленте, проф. стример

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "streaming-tape drive" в других словарях:

  • Tape drive — DDS tape drive. Above, from left right: DDS 4 tape (20 GB), 112m Data8 tape (2.5 GB), QIC DC 6250 tape (250 MB), and a 3.5 floppy disk (1.44 MB) A tape drive is a data storage device that reads and performs digital recording, writes data on a… …   Wikipedia

  • streaming tape —    A high speed tape backup system designed to optimize through put; the tape is not stopped during a backup. To use streaming tape, the computer and backup software must be fast enough to keep up with the tape drive.    See also DC 2000; tape… …   Dictionary of networking

  • tape drive —    A computer peripheral device that reads from and writes to magnetic tape. The drive may use tape on an open reel or from an enclosed tape cartridge. Because tape management software must search from the beginning of the tape every time it… …   Dictionary of networking

  • streaming tape —    A high speed magnetic tape drive that is used to make backups of an entire hard disk …   IT glossary of terms, acronyms and abbreviations

  • Magnetic tape data storage — uses digital recording on to magnetic tape to store digital information. Modern magnetic tape is most commonly packaged in cartridges and cassettes. The device that performs actual writing or reading of data is a tape drive. Autoloaders and tape… …   Wikipedia

  • 9 track tape — The IBM System/360, released in 1964, introduced what is now generally known as 9 track tape. The magnetic tape is 1/2 inch (12.65 mm) wide, with 8 data tracks and one parity track for a total of 9 parallel tracks. Data is stored as 8 bit… …   Wikipedia

  • Virtual tape library — A virtual tape library (VTL) is a data storage virtualization technology used typically for backup and recovery purposes. A VTL presents a storage component (usually hard disk storage) as tape libraries or tape drives for use with existing backup …   Wikipedia

  • Optical disc drive — A CD/DVD ROM Drive A Blu ray (BD RE DL) writer tray in a Sony Vaio E series laptop …   Wikipedia

  • List of IBM products — The following is a list of notable products from the International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation and its predecessor corporations, beginning in the 1890s, and spanning punched card machinery, time clocks, and typewriters, via mainframe… …   Wikipedia

  • Commodore 64 peripherals — Commodore 64 Home Computer This article is about the various external peripherals of the Commodore 64 home computer. Contents 1 Storage …   Wikipedia

  • IBM 3480 Family — The 3480 tape format is a magnetic tape data storage format developed by IBM. The tape is one half inch wide and is packaged in a 4 x5 x1 cartridge. The cartridge contains a single reel and there is a takeup reel is inside the tape drive.Because… …   Wikipedia

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