
1) поток; течение; струя || протекать; течь; струиться
2) водоток; река
3) поток продукта или продукции
4) каскад, печатная продукция, уложенная ступенчато
on stream — на ходу, в действии, в процессе работы;
to put on stream — вводить в эксплуатацию (установку);
to take off the stream — приостанавливать работу (установки); выключать из работы (установку)
air stream
binary stream
bit stream
break stream
bubble stream
central gas stream
contracting stream
convective stream
converging streams
crossing streams
data stream
debris stream
disintegrating stream
diverging streams
effluent stream
electron stream
fluid stream
free stream
gas stream
general stream
ingoing stream
inlet stream
input stream
instruction stream
jet exhaust stream
jet stream
job input stream
job output stream
job stream
ladle-to-ladle stream
laminar stream
leader stream
main stream
mill stream
moving stream
oil stream
outlet stream
output stream
peripheral gas stream
product stream
proportioned streams
reduction stream
running stream
shingle stream
side stream
solid stream
stem stream
stream of current
stream of lapped sheets
stream of supply
supply stream
tail-end flour stream
tidal stream
turbulent stream
uniform stream

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "stream" в других словарях:

  • Stream — (str[=e]m), n. [AS. stre[ a]m; akin to OFries. str[=a]m, OS. str[=o]m, D. stroom, G. strom, OHG. stroum, str[=u]m, Dan. & Sw. str[ o]m, Icel. straumr, Ir. sroth, Lith. srove, Russ. struia, Gr. ry sis a flowing, rei^n to flow, Skr. sru. [root]174 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stream — [striːm] noun [countable] 1. a long and almost continuous series of things: stream of • Despite the steady stream of layoffs, federal statisticians are predicting growth in select industries. • The refinery will come on stream (= start producing… …   Financial and business terms

  • stream — [strēm] n. [ME strem < OE stream, akin to Ger strom < IE base * sreu , to flow > Gr rheein, to flow] 1. a current or flow of water or other liquid, esp. one running along the surface of the earth; specif., a small river 2. a steady… …   English World dictionary

  • Stream — Stream, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Streamed}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Streaming}.] 1. To issue or flow in a stream; to flow freely or in a current, as a fluid or whatever is likened to fluids; as, tears streamed from her eyes. [1913 Webster] Beneath those… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Stream — Stream, v. t. To send forth in a current or stream; to cause to flow; to pour; as, his eyes streamed tears. [1913 Webster] It may so please that she at length will stream Some dew of grace into my withered heart. Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. To… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stream — ► NOUN 1) a small, narrow river. 2) a continuous flow of liquid, air, gas, people, etc. 3) Brit. a group in which schoolchildren of the same age and ability are taught. ► VERB 1) run or move in a continuous flow. 2) (usu. be streaming) run with… …   English terms dictionary

  • stream|y — «STREE mee», adjective, stream|i|er, stream|i|est. 1. full of streams or watercourses. 2. flowing in a stream; streaming …   Useful english dictionary

  • Stream — bzw. Streaming (engl. „Strömen, Fließen“) steht für: die kontinuierliche Übertragung von Daten, siehe Datenstrom Honda Stream, ein Modell der Automarke Honda Alternate Data Streams (zu deutsch: Alternative Datenströme), eine spezielle Funktion… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • stream — ice [stʀimajs] ou, plus cour., stream [stʀim] n. m. ÉTYM. 1851, in D. D. L.; mot angl., « glace (ice) de courant (stream) ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Glace flottante mince de forme allongée, formant des champs étendus. 0 (…) champs (de gl …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • stream — n *flow, current, flood, tide, flux stream vb *pour, gush, sluice Analogous words: flow, issue, emanate, proceed (see SPRING): flood, deluge, inundate (see corresponding nouns at FLOOD) …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • stream — [n] small river beck, branch, brook, burn, course, creek, current, drift, flood, flow, freshet, race, rill, rindle, rivulet, run, runnel, rush, spate, spritz, surge, tide, torrent, tributary, watercourse; concept 514 stream [v] flow from cascade …   New thesaurus

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