- black discoloration
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Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
black rot — black′ rot′ n. ppa any of various fungal or bacterial diseases of plants characterized by black discoloration and decay • Etymology: 1840–50, amer … From formal English to slang
black rot — noun a fungous disease causing darkening and decay of the leaves of fruits and vegetables • Hypernyms: ↑plant disease * * * noun : any of various diseases of cultivated plants caused by fungi or bacteria and producing dark brown discoloration and … Useful english dictionary
black rust — noun 1. : a plant rust producing black discoloration; especially : black stem rust 2. : stem rust 2; especially : the uredostage of this fungus * * * Plant Pathol. any of several … Useful english dictionary
black rot — Plant Pathol. any of several diseases of fruits and vegetables, characterized by black discoloration and decay of affected parts, caused by fungi, as Guignardia bidwellii, or bacteria, as Xanthomonas campestris. [1840 50, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
black rust — Plant Pathol. any of several diseases of plants caused by rusts and characterized by black discoloration resulting from the fungal teliospores. [1780 90, Amer.] * * * … Universalium
Black water — can refer to: *Black water, a term used for sewage containing fecal matter, in contrast with gray water that is the waste water from kitchen sink drains, washing machines, and other washings. *Algal bloom, also called black water, is a dark… … Wikipedia
black eye — discoloration around the eye from injury c.1600. Figurative sense of injury to pride, rebuff is by 1744; that of bad reputation is from 1880s. In reference to dark eyes, often as a mark of beauty, from 1660s. Black eyed, of peas, attested from… … Etymology dictionary
Black rot — is a name used for various diseases of cultivated plants caused by fungi or bacteria, producing dark brown discoloration and decay in the leaves of fruit and vegetables:* A disease of the apple, pear and quince caused by a fungus ( Botryosphaeria … Wikipedia
black eye — black′ eye′ n. 1) discoloration of the skin around the eye, resulting from a blow, bruise, etc 2) a damaged reputation • Etymology: 1595–1605 … From formal English to slang
black eye — n. 1. an eye with a very dark iris 2. a discoloration of the skin or flesh surrounding an eye, resulting from a sharp blow or contusion ☆ 3. Informal shame or dishonor, or a cause or source of this … English World dictionary
black rot — ☆ black rot n. any of various bacterial or fungous diseases of plants producing discoloration and decay … English World dictionary