- straight matter
сплошной текстовой набор
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
straight matter — Print. 1. the body text of an article, story, etc., as distinguished from the title, subhead, and other display matter. 2. editorial text as distinguished from advertising. * * * … Universalium
straight matter — Print. 1. the body text of an article, story, etc., as distinguished from the title, subhead, and other display matter. 2. editorial text as distinguished from advertising … Useful english dictionary
Straight matter — Сплошной текстовой набор … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии
Straight Edge — [stɻeɪt ɛdʒ] (engl. etwa ‚nüchterner Vorteil‘, wörtlich: ‚gerade Kante‘; auch: straightedge, seltener str8 edge, abgekürzt SE, SxE oder sXe) bezeichnet eine Gegen bzw. Jugendkultur aus dem Bereich des Hardcore Punk. Ihre Anhänger werden als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
straight — straightly, adv. straightness, n. /strayt/, adj. straighter, straightest, adv., n. adj. 1. without a bend, angle, or curve; not curved; direct: a straight path. 2. exactly vertical or horizontal; in a perfectly vertical or horizontal plane: a… … Universalium
straight — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English streght, straight, from past participle of strecchen to stretch more at stretch Date: 14th century 1. a. free from curves, bends, angles, or irregularities < straight hair > < straight timber > b. generated… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Straight edge — Das „X“ auf dem Handrücken – Symbol für Straight Edge Straight Edge (abgekürzt SE, SxE oder sXe) bezeichnet eine Gegen bzw. Jugendkultur aus dem Bereich des Hardcore Punk. Straight Edge entstand in den frühen 1980er Jahren in den Vereinigten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Straight and True — Infobox The Wire episode caption = episode name = Straight and True episode no = 30 epigraph = I had such fuckin hopes for us. McNulty teleplay = Ed Burns story = David Simon and Ed Burns writer = director = Daniel Attias guest star = see below… … Wikipedia
matter-of-fact — adj 1. factual, strict, literal, word for word, line for line, verbatim, exact, precise, close; faithful, accurate, true, honest, straight, unexagger ated, unvarnished, undistorted, unadulterated, unwarped; prosaic, prosy, unpoetic, plain,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
matter-of-fact — adjective Desmond is too creative and fanciful to fit in with such matter of fact people Syn: unemotional, practical, down to earth, sensible, realistic, rational, sober, unsentimental, pragmatic, businesslike, commonsensical, levelheaded,… … Thesaurus of popular words
straight to the point — without any introductions, directly to the heart of the matter, directly to the bottom line … English contemporary dictionary