- storm-water management
регулирование ливневого стока; противопаводочные мероприятия
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
storm water management — paviršinių nuotekų tvarkymas statusas Aprobuotas sritis vanduo apibrėžtis Paviršinių nuotekų surinkimas, transportavimas, valymas, išleidimas, valymo metu susidarančio dumblo (šlamo) pirminis tvarkymas. atitikmenys: angl. storm water management… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
Storm Water Management Model — The United States Environmental Protection Agency Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) is a dynamic rainfall runoff subsurface runoff simulation model used for single event to long term (continuous) simulation of the surface runoff/subsurface… … Wikipedia
storm water management system — paviršinių nuotekų tvarkymo sistema statusas Aprobuotas sritis vanduo apibrėžtis Paviršinių nuotekų tvarkymui skirtų inžinerinių komunikacijų, įrenginių, statinių sistema, kurią, priklausomai nuo nuotekų savybių, nustatytų aplinkos apsaugos… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
storm water — noun Storm water is used before these nouns: ↑management … Collocations dictionary
Water supply and sanitation in Portugal — is characterized by important advances in access to services, technologies and service quality over past decades (1980s ndash;1990s), partially achieved thanks to important funds from the European Union. Nevertheless, sanitation still remains… … Wikipedia
Storm drain — This article describes subterranean tunnels conveying runoff from urban streets. See Combined sewer for a description of early drainage systems designed to use storm runoff to flush sanitary and industrial wastes into natural waterways for… … Wikipedia
Water pollution — Raw sewage and industrial waste flows across international borders New River passes from Mexicali to Calexico, California. Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, oceans and groundwater). Water p … Wikipedia
Water Resources Development Act of 2000 — The Water Resources Development Act of 2000 (WRDA 2000), USPL|106|541, was enacted by Congress of the United States on December 11, 2000. [ [http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi bin/toGPObss/http://frwebgate.access.gpo.gov/cgi bin/getdoc.cgi?dbname=106 cong … Wikipedia
Water Resources Development Act of 1986 — The Water Resources Development Act of 1986 (WRDA 1986) is part of USPL|99|662, a series of acts enacted by Congress of the United States on November 17, 1986. [ [http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi bin/bdquery/D?d099:1:./temp/ bdVNjS:@@@D summ2=m… … Wikipedia
Water supply and sanitation in Bangladesh — Even though the water supply and sanitation sector in Bangladesh is expanding its coverage, it is difficult to keep pace with the rapid population growth. The country used to rely mainly on groundwater, which is why the discovery of arsenic in… … Wikipedia
Water — This article is about general aspects of water. For a detailed discussion of its properties, see Properties of water. For other uses, see Water (disambiguation) … Wikipedia