storage mode

storage mode
1) режим записи в память
2) режим хранения (информации)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "storage mode" в других словарях:

  • Mode-locking — is a technique in optics by which a laser can be made to produce pulses of light of extremely short duration, on the order of picoseconds (10−12 s) or femtoseconds (10−15 s). The basis of the technique is to induce a fixed phase… …   Wikipedia

  • storage — [stɔʀaʒ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1969, cit.; mot angl., de to store « emmagasiner ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Techn. Mise en réserve, en mémoire (par une machine). 0 Car il manque à la machine la plasticité d intégration, qui est l aspect vital de la mémoire par lequel… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Storage violation — A Storage violation is an attempt at, or successful alteration ( or corruption ) of computer memory that is intended to have the special status of protected (that is not alterable at least in the current mode of operation).It normally applies to… …   Wikipedia

  • Storage heater — A storage heater is an electrical appliance which stores heat at a time when base load electricity is available at a low price, usually during the night, and releases it during the day. Heat is usually stored in clay bricks or other ceramic… …   Wikipedia

  • Mode of production — Part of a series on Marxism …   Wikipedia

  • Storage Area Network — Réseau de stockage SAN Pour les articles homonymes, voir SAN. En informatique, un réseau de stockage SAN, ou plus simplement SAN (de l anglais Storage Area Network), est un réseau spécialisé permettant de mutualiser des ressources de stockage.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Storage area network — Réseau de stockage SAN Pour les articles homonymes, voir SAN. En informatique, un réseau de stockage SAN, ou plus simplement SAN (de l anglais Storage Area Network), est un réseau spécialisé permettant de mutualiser des ressources de stockage.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Storage block — A storage block is a physical sector on the surface of a disk or diskette. It is the smallest unit of transference between the main memory and a given disk drive.In the IBM mainframe terminology, a block is the minimal physical division of data… …   Wikipedia

  • Nintendo DS storage devices — Main article: Nintendo DS accessories The internals of an Acekard 2.1 DS flashcart shown below to a quarter and Micro SD card. Nintendo DS storage devices are some of the devices used to store a licensed developer s work in progress images,… …   Wikipedia

  • Natural gas storage — Natural gas, like many other commodities, can be stored for an indefinite period of time in natural gas storage facilities for later consumption. Contents 1 Usage 2 Measures and definitions 3 Types 3.1 …   Wikipedia

  • Protected mode — This article is about an x86 processor mode. For Internet Explorer Protected Mode, see Mandatory Integrity Control. x86 processor modes Mode First supported Real mode Intel 8086 8080 emulation mode NEC …   Wikipedia

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