stop motion mechanism

stop motion mechanism
механизм автоматического останова

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "stop motion mechanism" в других словарях:

  • motion-picture technology — Introduction       the means for the production and showing of motion pictures. It includes not only the motion picture camera and projector but also such technologies as those involved in recording sound, in editing both picture and sound, in… …   Universalium

  • motion picture, history of the — Introduction       history of the medium from the 19th century to the present. Early years, 1830–1910 Origins       The illusion of motion pictures is based on the optical phenomena known as persistence of vision and the phi phenomenon. The first …   Universalium

  • Stop trick — A stop trick is a film special effect. It occurs when an object is filmed, then while the camera is off, the object is moved out of sight of the camera, then the camera is turned back on. When the film is watched it thus seems to the viewer that… …   Wikipedia

  • Mechanism — • There is no constant meaning in the history of philosophy for the word Mechanism. Originally, the term meant that cosmological theory which ascribes the motion and changes of the world to some external force Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Motion simulator — Simulator seating St. Louis Zoo A motion simulator or motion platform is a mechanism that encapsulates occupants and creates the effect/feelings of being in a moving vehicle. Motion simulators fall into two categories (described below) based on… …   Wikipedia

  • Motion picture terminology — The film industry is built upon a large number of technologies and techniques, drawing upon photography, stagecraft, music, and many other disciplines. Following is an index of specific terminology applicable thereto.#*180 degree rule *30 degree… …   Wikipedia

  • mechanism — Synonyms and related words: Charlie McCarthy, Marxism, action, agency, agent, ancilla, animalism, apparatus, appliance, approach, arrangement, art, atomism, automatic switch, behaviorism, channel selector, check valve, clockworks, commonsense… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • Geneva mechanism — ▪ device also called  Geneva Stop,         one of the most commonly used devices for producing intermittent rotary motion, characterized by alternate periods of motion and rest with no reversal in direction. It is also used for indexing (i.e.,… …   Universalium

  • Retrograde and direct motion — Direct motion is the motion of a planetary body in a direction similar to that of other bodies within its system, and is sometimes called prograde motion. Retrograde motion is motion in the opposite direction. In the case of celestial bodies,… …   Wikipedia

  • Valve motion — Valve Valve, n. [L. valva the leaf, fold, or valve of a door: cf. F. valve.] [1913 Webster] 1. A door; especially, one of a pair of folding doors, or one of the leaves of such a door. [1913 Webster] Swift through the valves the visionary fair… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • List of motion picture terminology — The film industry is built upon a large number of technologies and techniques, drawing upon photography, stagecraft, music, and many other disciplines. Following is an index of specific terminology applicable thereto. Contents: 0–9 A B C D E F G… …   Wikipedia

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