- stop code
код останова
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Code 128 — Wikipedia encoded in Code 128 B Code 128 is a very high density barcode symbology. It is used for alphanumeric or numeric only barcodes. It can encode all 128 characters of ASCII and, by use of an extension character (FNC4), the Latin 1… … Wikipedia
Code Génétique — Code Génétique. Le code génétique désigne le système de correspondance mis en jeu lors de la transformation de l information génétique des gènes en protéines, au cours du processus de traduction. Les ribosomes traduisent ainsi, en suivant ce code … Wikipédia en Français
Code genetique — Code génétique Code Génétique. Le code génétique désigne le système de correspondance mis en jeu lors de la transformation de l information génétique des gènes en protéines, au cours du processus de traduction. Les ribosomes traduisent ainsi, en… … Wikipédia en Français
Stop and Identify statutes — “Stop and identify” statutes are laws in the United States that require persons detained under certain circumstances to identify themselves to a police officer. [Although “police officer” is used throughout this article, most “stop and identify”… … Wikipedia
Stop Snitchin' — refers to a controversial 2004 campaign launched in Baltimore, United States to persuade criminal informants to stop snitching, or informing, to law enforcement. Public officials, activists and media outlets say that it is a campaign used by… … Wikipedia
Stop-loss policy — Stop loss is a term primarily used in the United States military. In the U.S. military, it is the involuntary extension of a service member s active duty service under the enlistment contract in order to retain them beyond their initial end of… … Wikipedia
Stop and search — is a police power in England and Wales, allowing police officers to search members of the public for weapons, drugs, stolen property, terrorism related evidence or evidence of other crimes. Police also have powers to enter and search… … Wikipedia
Code: Breaker — Code:Breaker Cover of the first volume コード: ブレイカー (Kōdo:Bureikā) Genre Action, School Life, Supernatural, Comedy … Wikipedia
Code Lyoko — Format Animated, Science fiction, Action, Comedy Created by Tania Palumbo Thomas Romain … Wikipedia
Code of the Clans — … Wikipedia
Code De La Route (France) — Le code de la route est le nom donné en France à l ensemble des dispositions législatives et règlementaires régissant la circulation sur la voie publique (trottoirs, chaussées, autoroutes, etc.) par les usagers (piétons, deux roues avec ou sans… … Wikipédia en Français