stilling device

stilling device
гаситель энергии потока

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "stilling device" в других словарях:

  • Spillway — Chute spillway of Llyn Brianne dam in Wales A spillway is a structure used to provide the controlled release of flows from a dam or levee into a downstream area, typically being the river that was dammed. In the UK they may be known as overflow… …   Wikipedia

  • Tide gauge — A tide gauge. A tide gauge is a device for measuring sea level and detecting tsunamis. Sensors continuously record the height of the water level with respect to a height reference surface close to the geoid. Water enters the device by the bottom… …   Wikipedia

  • Level sensor — Level sensors are used to detect liquid level. The liquid to be measured can be inside a container or can be in its natural form (e.g. a river or a lake). The level measurement can be either continuous or point values. Continuous level sensors… …   Wikipedia

  • Queen Maud Land — Dronning Maud Land …   Wikipedia

  • dam — dam1 /dam/, n., v., dammed, damming. n. 1. a barrier to obstruct the flow of water, esp. one of earth, masonry, etc., built across a stream or river. 2. a body of water confined by a dam. 3. any barrier resembling a dam. v.t. 4. to furnish with a …   Universalium

  • Dam — /dam, dahm/, n. (Carl Peter) Henrik /kahrl pee ter hen rik/; Dan. /kahrddl pay teuhrdd hen rddik/, 1895 1976, Danish biochemist: Nobel prize for medicine 1943. * * * I Barrier built across a stream, river, or estuary to conserve water for such… …   Universalium

  • African literature — Introduction       the traditional oral and written literatures together with the mainly 20th century literature written mostly in European languages but also to an increasing extent in the many languages of the sub Saharan region. Traditional… …   Universalium

  • Outlet works — Kinzua Dam in Pennsylvania, with outlet works releasing water A set of outlet works is a device used to release and regulate water flow from a dam. Such devices usually consist of one or more pipes or tunnels through the embankment of the dam,… …   Wikipedia

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