Stillage — Stil lage, n. (Bleaching) A low stool to keep the goods from touching the floor. Knight. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Stillage — A stillage is like a pallet or skid but with a cage or sides or some form of support typically tailored to the material it is intended to carry. Some are designed to be stackable.Beverage/alcohol industryA stillage is any device on which a cask… … Wikipedia
stillage residue — virintuvo likutis statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Pramoniniame distiliavimo įrenginyje susikaupusios nesidistiliuojančios medžiagos. atitikmenys: angl. bottoms; distillation residue; still bottoms; still residue; stillage residue rus.… … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
stillage — /stil ij/, n. a low platform on which goods are stored in a warehouse or factory to keep them off the floor, to aid in handling, etc. Cf. skid (def. 3). [1590 1600; < D stellage, equiv. to stell(en) to place + age AGE] * * * … Universalium
stillage — noun a) The residue from the manufacture of alcohol from grain; typically used in animal feed b) A rack or pallet used to hold goods (originally casks) off the floor … Wiktionary
stillage — stil·lage || stɪlɪdÊ’ n. raised surface on which goods are stored … English contemporary dictionary
stillage — noun a wooden rack or pallet for holding stored goods off the floor or separating goods in transit. Origin C16: appar. from Du. stellagie scaffold , from stellen to place … English new terms dictionary
stillage — /ˈstɪlɪdʒ/ (say stilij) noun a frame or structure for the storage of goods. {Dutch, from stellen to stand + French suffix age} …
stillage — n. a bench, frame, etc., for keeping articles off the floor while draining, drying, waiting to be packed, etc. Etymology: app. f. Du. stellagie scaffold f. stellen to place + F age … Useful english dictionary
drain stillage — žlaugtai statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Degtinės gamybos atlieka. atitikmenys: angl. drain stillage; malt residue; mass rus. барда … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Beer in England — Traditional beer pump English beer has a long history and traditions that are distinct from most other beer brewing countries. Beer was the first alcoholic drink to be produced in England, and has been brewed continuously since prehistoric… … Wikipedia