stick-slip phenomenon

stick-slip phenomenon
скачкообразное движение (при трении); явление микропроскальзывания (при качении)

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "stick-slip phenomenon" в других словарях:

  • Stick-slip phenomenon — Stick slip (or slip stick ) refers to the phenomenon of a spontaneous jerking motion that can occur while two objects are sliding over each other. Cause Stick slip is caused by the surfaces alternatingly between a sticking to each other and… …   Wikipedia

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  • String instrument — A string instrument (or stringed instrument) is a musical instrument that produces sound by means of vibrating strings. In the Hornbostel Sachs scheme of musical instrument classification, used in organology, they are called chordophones. The… …   Wikipedia

  • Magnetic particle clutch — A magnetic particle clutch is a special type of electromagnetic clutch which does not use friction plates. Instead, it uses a fine powder of magnetically susceptible material (typically stainless steel) to mechanically link an otherwise free… …   Wikipedia

  • Friction — For other uses, see Friction (disambiguation). Classical mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • Hand scraper — A hand scraper is a single edged tool used to scrape metal from a surface. This may be required where a surface needs to be trued, corrected for fit to a mating part, needs to retain oil (usually on a freshly ground surface), or even to give a… …   Wikipedia

  • chemistry — /kem euh stree/, n., pl. chemistries. 1. the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter. Cf. element (def. 2). 2. chemical properties, reactions, phenomena, etc.: the chemistry of… …   Universalium

  • Earthquake — For other uses, see Earthquake (disambiguation). Global earthquake epicenters, 1963–1998 …   Wikipedia

  • Inharmonicity — In music, inharmonicity is the degree to which the frequencies of overtones (known as partials, partial tones, or harmonics) depart from whole multiples of the fundamental frequency. Acoustically, a note perceived to have a single distinct pitch… …   Wikipedia

  • Slow earthquake — A slow earthquake is a discontinuous, earthquake like event that releases energy over a period of hours to months, rather than the seconds to minutes characteristic of an earthquake sensu stricto. First detected using long term strain… …   Wikipedia

  • Self-organized criticality — In physics, self organized criticality (SOC) is a property of (classes of) dynamical systems which have a critical point as an attractor. Their macroscopic behaviour thus displays the spatial and/or temporal scale invariance characteristic of the …   Wikipedia

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