stereo(phonic) sound

stereo(phonic) sound
бинарный [стереофонический\] звук

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "stereo(phonic) sound" в других словарях:

  • stereo — ster|e|o1 S3 [ˈsteriəu, ˈstıər US ˈsteriou, ˈstır ] n plural stereos 1.) also stereo .system a machine for playing records, ↑CDs etc that produces sound from two ↑speakers ▪ a stereo with good speakers on a stereo ▪ He was listening to the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • General Echo — (b. Earl Anthony Robinson,cite book |last=Barrow |first=Steve |coauthors= Dalton, Peter |title=Reggae: The Rough Guide |year= 1997 |publisher=Rough Guides |isbn=1 85828 247 0 ] Jamaica, d. 1980, Jamaica) aka Ranking Slackness, was one of the… …   Wikipedia

  • ster´e|o|phon´i|cal|ly — ster|e|o|phon|ic «STEHR ee uh FON ihk, STIHR », adjective. 1. of or giving the effect of lifelike sound by using two or more microphones, placed apart, and an equal number of loudspeakers, also placed apart. Stereophonic sound has the same… …   Useful english dictionary

  • ster|e|o|phon|ic — «STEHR ee uh FON ihk, STIHR », adjective. 1. of or giving the effect of lifelike sound by using two or more microphones, placed apart, and an equal number of loudspeakers, also placed apart. Stereophonic sound has the same effects of depth and… …   Useful english dictionary

  • stereophonic — /stɛriəˈfɒnɪk / (say stereeuh fonik), /stɪə / (say stear ) adjective 1. of or relating to a three dimensional auditory perspective. 2. of or relating to the multi channel reproduction or broadcasting of sound which simulates three dimensional… …  

  • Mixing console — In professional audio, a mixing console, or audio mixer, also called a sound board, mixing desk, or mixer is an electronic device for combining (also called mixing ), routing, and changing the level, timbre and/or dynamics of audio signals. A… …   Wikipedia

  • quadraphonic — (adj.) 1969, irregular formation from QUADRI (Cf. quadri ) four + phonic, from Gk. phone sound, voice (see FAME (Cf. fame)). The goal was to reproduce front to back sound distribution in addition to side to side stereo …   Etymology dictionary

  • quadraphonic — /kwod reuh fon ik/, adj. of, noting, or pertaining to the recording and reproduction of sound over four separate transmission or direct reproduction channels instead of the customary two of the stereo system: a quadraphonic recording. Also, four… …   Universalium

  • Swanky Tunes — Основная информация …   Википедия

  • monophonic — (adj.) of recordings, broadcasts, etc., not stereo, having only one output signal, 1958, coined to be an opposite of STEREOPHONIC (Cf. stereophonic); from MONO (Cf. mono ) + phonic, from Gk. phone sound, voice (see FAME (Cf. fame) (n.)) …   Etymology dictionary

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