- bit-map(ped) display
1) поэлементное (поэлементно-адресуемое, растровое) отображение2) дисплей с поэлементным (поэлементно-адресуемым) отображением; растровый дисплей
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
MOS Technology 8563 — The 8563 Video Display Controller (VDC) was an integrated circuit produced by MOS Technology. It was used in the Commodore 128 computer to generate an 80 column (640×200 pixel) RGB video display. The D/DCR models of the C128 used the later and… … Wikipedia
MOS Technology 8568 — The 8568 Video Display Controller (VDC), less commonly known as the DVDC, D = Digital , was MOS Technology s graphics chip responsible for the 80 column ref|80 column (or RGBI) display on [Commodore 128#128D; RGB graphics|D [CR] models of the… … Wikipedia
History of personal computers — This article covers the history of the personal computer. A personal computer is one which is directly used by an individual, as opposed to a mainframe in which the end user s requests are filtered through an operating staff, or a time sharing… … Wikipedia
History of computing hardware (1960s–present) — The history of computing hardware starting at 1960 is marked by the conversion from vacuum tube to solid state devices such as the transistor and later the integrated circuit. By 1959 discrete transistors were considered sufficiently reliable and … Wikipedia
BASIC 8 — (or BASIC 8.0) mdash; The Enhanced Graphics System For The C128 mdash; developed by Walrusoft of Gainesville, Florida and published in 1986 by Patech Software of Somerset, New Jersey, USA, was an extension of Commodore s BASIC 7.0 for the C128… … Wikipedia
Commodore 128 — Release date 1985 Discontinued 1989 Operating system Commodore BASIC 7.0 Digital Research CP/M 3.0 … Wikipedia
Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt/L–R — Dies ist der vierte Teil der Liste Abkürzungen/Luftfahrt. Liste der Abkürzungen Teil 1 A A Teil 2 B–D B; C; D Teil 3 E–K … Deutsch Wikipedia
Visual angle — The visual angle is the angle a viewed object subtends at the eye, usually stated in degrees of arc.It also is called the object s angular size. The sketch helps to define it 1,2It shows an observer s eye looking at a frontal extent (the vertical … Wikipedia