step-by-step decoding

step-by-step decoding
поэлементное декодирование

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "step-by-step decoding" в других словарях:

  • Iterative Viterbi decoding — is an algorithm that spots the subsequence S of an observation O = { o 1, ..., o n } having the highest average probability (i.e., probability scaled by the length of S ) of being generated by a given hidden Markov model M with m states. The… …   Wikipedia

  • JPEG — For other uses, see JPEG (disambiguation). Joint Photographic Experts Group A photo of a cat compressed with successively more lossy compression ratios from right to left Filename extension .jpg …   Wikipedia

  • поэлементное декодирование — — [Л.Г.Суменко. Англо русский словарь по информационным технологиям. М.: ГП ЦНИИС, 2003.] Тематики информационные технологии в целом EN step by step decoding …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • DNA-encoded chemical library — DNA encoded chemical libraries (DEL) are a new technology for the synthesis and screening of collections of chemical compounds of unprecedented size and quality. DEL represents an advance in medicinal chemistry which bridges the fields of… …   Wikipedia

  • Concatenated error correction code — In coding theory, concatenated codes form a class of error correcting codes that are derived by combining an inner code and an outer code. They were conceived in 1966 by Dave Forney as a solution to the problem of finding a code that has both… …   Wikipedia

  • MPEG-1 — Moving Picture Experts Group Phase 1 (MPEG 1) Filename extension .mpg, .mpeg, .mp1, .mp2, .mp3, .m1v, .m1a, .m2a, .mpa, .mpv Internet media type audio/mpeg, video/mpeg Developed by ISO, IEC Type of format audio, vid …   Wikipedia

  • information theory — the mathematical theory concerned with the content, transmission, storage, and retrieval of information, usually in the form of messages or data, and esp. by means of computers. [1945 50] * * * ▪ mathematics Introduction       a mathematical… …   Universalium

  • Progressive Graphics File — Infobox file format name = PGF extension = .pgf mime = owner = xeraina GmbH creatorcode = type = wavelet based bitmapped image format container for = contained by = extended from = extended to = PGF (Progressive Graphics File) is a wavelet based… …   Wikipedia

  • Disjunct matrix — Disjunct and separable matrices play a pivotal role in the mathematical area of non adaptive group testing. This area investigates efficient designs and procedures to identify needles in haystacks by conducting the tests on groups of items… …   Wikipedia

  • Central processing unit — CPU redirects here. For other uses, see CPU (disambiguation). An Intel 80486DX2 CPU from above An Intel 80486DX2 from below …   Wikipedia

  • LT code — In computer science, LT codes (Luby Transform codes) are the first class of practical fountain codes that are near optimal erasure correcting codes invented by Michael Luby in 1998 and published in 2002. [… …   Wikipedia

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