- steering offset
авто плечо обката; смещение проекции оси шкворня (для образования плеча обката)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
steering — A mechanism for controlling the direction of a vehicle. See absorbing steering ackermann steering adjustable steering all wheel steering assisted steering axle and steering ball and nut steering ball steering … Dictionary of automotive terms
Offset (wheel) — Offset (ET): Distance in mm from center (C) of rim to mounting plane (M) The offset of a vehicle s wheel is the distance between the centerline of the wheel and the plane of the hub mounting surface of the wheel. It can thus be either positive or … Wikipedia
Steering — For other uses, see Steering (disambiguation). Part of car steering mechanism: tie rod, steering arm, king pin axis (using ball joints). Steering is the term applied to the collection of components, linkages, etc. which will allow a vessel (ship … Wikipedia
offset — [1] Something set at an angle or to one side. [2] See scrub radius. [3] The distance between the centerline of the rim and the attachment face of the wheel disc at the wheel hub; this dimension can either be positive, negative, or zero. An… … Dictionary of automotive terms
offset steering — See negative offset steering … Dictionary of automotive terms
negative offset — [1] A steering geometry layout where the steering axis cuts the wheel axis above the wheel center plane. Compare center point steering, positive offset, and scrub radius. [2] The distance between the mounting face of the disc and the rim… … Dictionary of automotive terms
Torque steering — is the influence of the engine torque on the steering for some front wheel drive vehicles. For example, during full acceleration the steering may pull to one side, which may be disturbing to the driver. This either causes a tugging sensation in… … Wikipedia
kingpin offset — at the ground is the horizontal distance in front elevation between the point where the steering axis intersects the ground and the center of tire contact. The kingpin offset at the wheel center is the horizontal distance in front elevation from… … Mechanics glossary
positive offset — [1] A steering geometry layout where the steering axis cuts the wheel axis at or below the wheel center plane. [2] The distance between the mounting face of a disc and the wheel centerline; the offset is referred to as positive when the inner… … Dictionary of automotive terms
center point steering — A steering geometry where the steering axis cuts the wheel axis in the wheel center plane, with no offset at the road surface … Dictionary of automotive terms
zero-offset steering — A steering system whose geometry has a scrub radius of zero. This configuration minimizes the steering effects produced during acceleration (with front drive) or braking on varying traction surfaces … Dictionary of automotive terms