- bit chain
последовательность (цепочка) битов
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
bit chain — dvejetainė seka statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. binary chain; binary sequence; bit chain vok. Binärzeichenfolge, f; Bitfolge, f rus. двоичная последовательность, f; последовательность двоичных знаков, f pranc. séquence binaire, f; … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Chain code — es un algoritmo de compresión con pérdida para imágenes monocromáticas. El principio básico de chain code es codificar por separado cada componente conectado, o blot , en la imagen. Para cada región, se selecciona un punto de su límite y se… … Wikipedia Español
Bit mouthpiece — This article is about the part of a bit that goes into the mouth of a horse. For an overview of bits in general, see Bit (horse). For types of bridles, see Bridle. Single jointed pelham. The mouthpiece is the part of a horse s bit that goes into… … Wikipedia
Chain code — A chain code is a lossless compression algorithm for monochrome images. The basic principle of chain codes is to separately encode each connected component, or blot , in the image. For each such region, a point on the boundary is selected and its … Wikipedia
Bit rate — Bit rates Decimal prefixes (SI) Name Symbol Multiple kilobit per second kbit/s 103 megabit per second Mbit/s 106 gigabit per second Gbit/s 109 … Wikipedia
Bit shank — The bit shank is the side piece or cheekpiece of a curb bit, part of the bridle, used when riding on horses. The bit shank allows leverage to be added to the pressure of the rider s hands on the bit. Shanks are usually made of metal, may be… … Wikipedia
Bit (horse) — For other uses, see bit (disambiguation). A horse wearing an English bridle with a snaffle bit and a cavesson A bit is a type of horse tack used in equestrian activities, usually made of metal or a synthetic material, and is placed in the mouth… … Wikipedia
Chain gang (cycling) — A chain gang or pace line In the sport of cycling, a chain gang is a group of cyclists in a close knit formation usually of two parallel lines. The formation comes from the fact that it is harder to cycle at the front of a group than in the… … Wikipedia
chain — Synonyms and related words: Alps, Andes, Caucasus, Himalayas, Indian file, Kekule formula, Oregon boat, Rockies, accouple, accumulate, accumulative, additive, additory, agglutinate, alps on alps, alternation, amass, anchor, andiron, anklet,… … Moby Thesaurus
Bit ring — This article is about the rings on the outside of a bit. For an over of bits in general, see bit (horse). For information on leverage devices, see bit shank. The bit ring is the ring on the side of a horse s bit, particularly on a snaffle bit. It … Wikipedia
Chain of Craters Road — Lava from Puʻu ʻŌʻō flows through subsurface lava tubes until it meets the ocean, creating the steam plumes seen in the distance from Chain of Craters Road. Chain of Craters Road is a 23 mile winding paved road through the East Rift and coastal… … Wikipedia