bistochastic matrix

bistochastic matrix
дважды стохастическая матрица

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "bistochastic matrix" в других словарях:

  • Unistochastic matrix — In mathematics, a unistochastic matrix (also called unitary stochastic ) is a doubly stochastic matrix whose entries are the square of the absolute value of some unitary matrix.The detailed definition is as follows. A square matrix B of size n is …   Wikipedia

  • Doubly stochastic matrix — In mathematics, especially in probability and combinatorics, a doubly stochastic matrix (also called bistochastic), is a square matrix of nonnegative real numbers, each of whose rows and columns sums to 1. Thus, a doubly stochastic matrix is both …   Wikipedia

  • Orthostochastic matrix — In mathematics, an orthostochastic matrix is a doubly stochastic matrix whose entries are the square of the absolute value of some orthogonal matrix. The detailed definition is as follows. An square matrix B of size n is doubly stochastic (or… …   Wikipedia

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