- standard colors
1) стандартные цвета, стандартные цветовые марки2) стандартные цветные светофильтры
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Colors of noise — White Pink Red (Brownian) Grey While noise is by definition derived from a random signal, it can have different characteristic statistical properties corresponding to different mappings from a source of randomness to the concrete noise. Spectral… … Wikipedia
standard — [stan′dərd] n. [ME < OFr estendard < Frank * standord, place of formation < Gmc * standan, to STAND + * ort, a place, orig., a point, akin to OE ord (see ODD): hence, orig., a standing place] 1. any figure or object, esp. a flag or… … English World dictionary
Standard — Stand ard ( [ e]rd), n. [OF. estendart, F. [ e]tendard, probably fr. L. extendere to spread out, extend, but influenced by E. stand. See {Extend}.] 1. A flag; colors; a banner; especially, a national or other ensign. [1913 Webster] His armies, in … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Standard bearer — Standard Stand ard ( [ e]rd), n. [OF. estendart, F. [ e]tendard, probably fr. L. extendere to spread out, extend, but influenced by E. stand. See {Extend}.] 1. A flag; colors; a banner; especially, a national or other ensign. [1913 Webster] His… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
standard — [adj] regular, approved accepted, authoritative, average, basic, boilerplate*, canonical, classic, common, customary, definitive, established, everyday, garden variety*, general, normal, official, orthodox, popular, prevailing, recognized,… … New thesaurus
standard — /stan deuhrd/, n. 1. something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison; an approved model. 2. an object that is regarded as the usual or most common size or form of its kind: We stock the deluxe models as well as … Universalium
Standard illuminant — A standard illuminant is a profile or spectrum of visible light which is published in order to allow images or colors recorded under different lighting to be compared.CIE illuminantsThe International Commission on Illumination (usually… … Wikipedia
standard — 01. The [standard] of hockey in the NHL has been raised with the participation of more and more international players. 02. The students will all write [standardized] tests at the end of the session. 03. The founder of MacDonald s restaurants once … Grammatical examples in English
colors — Synonyms and related words: Communist threat, Dannebrog, Jolly Roger, Old Glory, Star Spangled Banner, Stars and Stripes, Union Flag, Union Jack, Western imperialism, adornment, and blue, atrocity story, banderole, banner, banneret, battle hymn,… … Moby Thesaurus
standard — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. emblem, ensign; criterion, measure, grade, exemplar, norm, canon, prototype, ethics. adj. regulation, normal, conventional. See conformity, rule, measurement, degree. Ant., nonstandard, substandard.… … English dictionary for students
standard — stand•ard [[t]ˈstæn dərd[/t]] n. 1) something considered by an authority or by general consent as a basis of comparison 2) cvb an object regarded as the most common size or form of its kind 3) a rule or principle that is used as a basis for… … From formal English to slang