stadia rod

stadia rod
геод. дальномерная рейка

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "stadia rod" в других словарях:

  • stadia rod — Stadium Sta di*um (st[=a] d[i^]*[u^]m), n.; pl. {Stadia} (st[=a] d[i^]*[.a]). [L., a stadium (in sense 1), from Gr. sta dion.] 1. A Greek measure of length, being the chief one used for itinerary distances, also adopted by the Romans for nautical …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stadia rod — noun : a graduated rod used with an instrument having stadia hairs to measure the distance from the observation point to the place where the rod is positioned by observation of the length of rod subtended by the distance between the stadia hairs… …   Useful english dictionary

  • stadia rod — Survey. rod (def. 19). * * * …   Universalium

  • Stadia mark — Stadia marks, also called stadia lines or stadia hairs, are crosshairs on the reticle of a theodolite or other surveying instrument that allow stadiametric rangefinding.EtymologyThe term stadia mark derives from the obsolete unit of distance, the …   Wikipedia

  • stadia — stadia1 [stā′dē ə] n. [It, prob. < L, pl. of stadium: see STADIUM] a method of surveying in which distances and elevations are obtained by observing the interval on a graduated, upright rod (stadia rod) intercepted by two parallel horizontal… …   English World dictionary

  • Stadia — can refer to * The plural of stadium. * Stadia rod, a surveyors instrument. * Stadia (length), an ancient unit of distance …   Wikipedia

  • Stadia — Stadium Sta di*um (st[=a] d[i^]*[u^]m), n.; pl. {Stadia} (st[=a] d[i^]*[.a]). [L., a stadium (in sense 1), from Gr. sta dion.] 1. A Greek measure of length, being the chief one used for itinerary distances, also adopted by the Romans for nautical …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stadia — Stadium Sta di*um (st[=a] d[i^]*[u^]m), n.; pl. {Stadia} (st[=a] d[i^]*[.a]). [L., a stadium (in sense 1), from Gr. sta dion.] 1. A Greek measure of length, being the chief one used for itinerary distances, also adopted by the Romans for nautical …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • stadia — I. /ˈsteɪdiə/ (say staydeeuh) noun 1. a method of surveying in which distances are read by noting the interval on a graduated rod (stadia rod) intercepted by two parallel crosshairs (stadia hairs or stadia wires) mounted in the telescope of a… …  

  • rod — rodless, adj. rodlike, adj. /rod/, n., v., rodded, rodding. n. 1. a stick, wand, staff, or the like, of wood, metal, or other material. 2. a straight, slender shoot or stem of any woody plant, whether still growing or cut from the plant. 3. See… …   Universalium

  • stadia — stadia1 /stay dee euh/, n. 1. a method of surveying in which distances are read by noting the interval on a graduated rod intercepted by two parallel cross hairs (stadia hairs or stadia wires) mounted in the telescope of a surveying instrument,… …   Universalium

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