- stability theory
теория устойчивости
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Stability theory — In mathematics, stability theory deals with the stability of solutions (or sets of solutions) for differential equations and dynamical systems. Definition Let (R, X, Φ) be a real dynamical system with R the real numbers, X a locally compact… … Wikipedia
stability theory — stabilumo teorija statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. stability theory vok. Stabilitätstheorie, f rus. теория устойчивости, f pranc. théorie de stabilité, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Hegemonic stability theory — postulates a number of rules for the maintenance and decline of international monetary and political systems. Its leading exponents are the political scientist Stephen D. Krasner and economic historian Charles P. Kindleberger. Owing to… … Wikipedia
Stability — can refer to: *Aircraft flight Stability (aircraft) *In atmospheric fluid dynamics, atmospheric stability, a measure of the turbulence in the ambient atmosphere *BIBO stability (Bounded Input, Bounded Output stability), in signal processing and… … Wikipedia
Stability spectrum — In model theory, a branch of mathematical logic, a complete first order theory T is called stable in λ (an infinite cardinal number), if the Stone space of every model of T of size ≤ λ has itself size ≤ λ. T is called a stable theory if there is… … Wikipedia
Stability radius — The stability radius of a continuous function f (in a functional space F ) with respect to an open stability domain D is the distance between f and the set of unstable functions (with respect to D ). We say that a function is stable with respect… … Wikipedia
Stability (probability) — In probability theory and statistics, the stability of a family of probability distributions is an important property which basically states that if one has a number of random variates that are in the family , any linear combination of these… … Wikipedia
Stability group — In mathematics, in the realm of group theory, stability group of subnormal series is the group of automorphisms that act as identity on each quotient group … Wikipedia
Control theory — For control theory in psychology and sociology, see control theory (sociology) and Perceptual Control Theory. The concept of the feedback loop to control the dynamic behavior of the system: this is negative feedback, because the sensed value is… … Wikipedia
Stable theory — For differential equations see Stability theory. In model theory, a complete theory is called stable if it does not have too many types. One goal of classification theory is to divide all complete theories into those whose models can be… … Wikipedia
Model theory — This article is about the mathematical discipline. For the informal notion in other parts of mathematics and science, see Mathematical model. In mathematics, model theory is the study of (classes of) mathematical structures (e.g. groups, fields,… … Wikipedia