- squid
сверхпроводящий квантовый интерференционный датчик, сквид
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
SQUID — ist die Abkürzung für Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (Supraleitende Quanteninterferenzeinheit). Ein SQUID ist ein Sensor zur sehr präzisen Messung extrem geringer Magnetfeldänderungen. Die Änderung des Magnetflusses um Φ0 im Ring… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Squid — Aktuelle Version 3.1.16 (14. Oktober 2011) Betriebssystem plattformübergreifend Kategorie Proxyserver Lizenz GPL (Freie Software) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Squid — (skw[i^]d), n. [Cf. {Squirt}.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any one of numerous species of ten armed cephalopods having a long, tapered body, and a caudal fin on each side; especially, any species of {Loligo}, {Ommastrephes}, and related genera. See {Calamary} … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
squid — [skwid] n. pl. squids or squid [prob. < squit, dial. for SQUIRT] any of a number of long, slender, carnivorous cephalopod sea mollusks (esp. order Teuthoidea) having eight arms and two long tentacles: small squid are used as food and for fish… … English World dictionary
Squid — Squid, calamar en idioma inglés, puede referirse a: Squid, programa que implementa un servidor proxy. Squid, sistema naval de armamento antisubmarino. SQUID, acrónimo inglés para dispositivos superconductores de interferencia cuántica. Esta… … Wikipedia Español
Squid — es un proxy caché diseñado para correr en sistemas tipo UNIX, aunque también puede trabajar sobre Windows. Squid es software libre y tiene: 1. proxy y cache de HTTP, FTP, y otras URLs 2. proxy para SSL 3. cache hierarchies 4. ICP, HTCP, CARP,… … Enciclopedia Universal
squid — squid·der; squid; SQUID; … English syllables
squid — [skwıd] n plural squid or squids a sea creature with a long soft body and ten arms around its mouth … Dictionary of contemporary English
SQUID — ● SQUID nom masculin (sigle de Superconducting QUantum Interference Device) Composant cryoélectronique constitué d un anneau supraconducteur comportant une jonction isolante et utilisé pour mesurer des champs magnétiques extrêmement faibles … Encyclopédie Universelle
squid — [ skwıd ] noun count a sea animal like an OCTOPUS but with ten arms instead of eight a. uncount this animal eaten as food … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
squid — marine mollusk, 1610s, of unknown origin; perhaps a sailors variant of SQUIRT (Cf. squirt), so called for the ink it squirts out … Etymology dictionary