- spring steel clip
стальной зажим (напр. авторучки) с пружиной
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Clip-on nut — A clip on nut, also known as a sheet metal nut or a speed nut (but this is ambiguous, see speed nut), is a type of nut designed to be clipped to sheet metal. They come in many forms based upon: where they clip on, shape, and type of thread. Each… … Wikipedia
spring clip — [1] A fastening device made of an incomplete circle of spring steel, e.g., for covers. [2] A rebound clip which holds the spring leaves of a leaf spring together and to keep them in alignment. [3] A fastener used to provide a screw hole for a… … Dictionary of automotive terms
spring — springlike, adj. /spring/, v., sprang or, often, sprung; sprung; springing; n., adj. v.i. 1. to rise, leap, move, or act suddenly and swiftly, as by a sudden dart or thrust forward or outward, or being suddenly released from a coiled or… … Universalium
Fahnestock clip — A Fahnestock clip (also sometimes spelled Fahnstock ) is an early technology for a mechanical electrical terminal. It consists of a single piece of flexible metal with a rectangle punched out of one end and a loop punched out of the other. The… … Wikipedia
Stainless steel — Iron alloy phases Ferrite (α iron, δ iron) Austenite (γ iron) Pearlite (88% ferrite, 12% cementite) … Wikipedia
cylinder clip — n. a spring steel device used to secure some types of cylinders … Locksmith dictionary
Binder clip — A binder clip, or a banker s clip, is a simple device for binding a few to many sheets of paper. It leaves the paper intact and can be removed quickly and easily unlike the staple. The term bulldog clip is used in the United Kingdom to describe… … Wikipedia
Doctor Steel — This article is about the musician and internet personality, Dr. Steel. For other articles relating to Doctor Steel , see Dr. Steel (disambiguation). Doctor Steel Doctor Steel with his robot band Background information … Wikipedia
Bulldog clip — A BULLDOG clip is a clip manufactured under the BULLDOG trade mark owned by Setten IXL Limited. The device is commonly used for temporarily binding sheets of paper together and a popular range is one which consists of a rectangular sheet of… … Wikipedia
Paper clip — A paper clip (or sometimes paperclip) is a device which holds several sheets of paper together by means of pressure: it leaves the paper intact and can be quickly and easily removed, unlike the staple, which will damage the paper unless removed… … Wikipedia
Moon clip — A moon clip is a ring shaped or star shaped piece of metal designed to hold multiple cartridges together as a unit, for simultaneous insertion and extraction from a revolver cylinder. Moonclips may either hold an entire cylinder s worth of… … Wikipedia