- spontaneous process
спонтанный процесс
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Spontaneous process — A spontaneous process is the time evolution of a system in which it releases free energy (most often as heat) and moves to a lower, more thermodynamically stable, energy state. [ [http://www.chem.purdue.edu/gchelp/gloss/sponprocess.html… … Wikipedia
spontaneous process — savaiminis vyksmas statusas T sritis Standartizacija ir metrologija apibrėžtis Be išorinio poveikio vykstantis vyksmas. atitikmenys: angl. spontaneous process vok. spontaner Prozess, m rus. самопроизвольный процесс, m; спонтанный процесс, m pranc … Penkiakalbis aiškinamasis metrologijos terminų žodynas
spontaneous process — savaiminis procesas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Be išorinio poveikio vykstantis procesas. atitikmenys: angl. spontaneous process rus. самопроизвольный процесс; спонтанный процесс … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
spontaneous process — savaiminis vyksmas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. spontaneous process vok. spontaner Prozess, m rus. самопроизвольный процесс, m; спонтанный процесс, m pranc. processus spontané, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
Spontaneous — means a self generated event, typically requiring no outside influence or help.The word spontaneous may also refer to:* Spontaneous abortion * Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis * Spontaneous combustion * Spontaneous emission * Spontaneous fission … Wikipedia
Spontaneous emission — is the process by which a light source such as an atom, molecule, nanocrystal or nucleus in an excited state undergoes a transition to the ground state and emits a photon. Spontaneous emission of light or luminescence is a fundamental process… … Wikipedia
Spontaneous fission — (SF) is a form of radioactive decay characteristic of very heavy isotopes, and is theoretically possible for any atomic nucleus whose mass is greater than or equal to 100 u (elements near ruthenium). In practice, however, spontaneous fission is… … Wikipedia
Spontaneous human combustion — (SHC) refers to the belief that the human body sometimes burns without an external source of ignition. There is much speculation and controversy regarding SHC, for it is an unproven natural phenomenon.Possible explanationsMany theories and… … Wikipedia
Spontaneous parametric down-conversion — (SPDC) is an important process in quantum optics. A nonlinear crystal splits incoming photons into pairs of photons of lower energy whose combined energy and momentum are equal to the energy and momentum of the original photon. The state of the… … Wikipedia
Spontaneous glass breakage — is a phenomenon by which toughened glass (or tempered) may spontaneously break without any apparent reason. The most common causes are::* Minor damage during installation such as nicked or chipped edges which later develop into larger breaks:*… … Wikipedia
spontaneous — ► ADJECTIVE 1) performed or occurring as a result of an unpremeditated impulse and without external stimulus. 2) open, natural, and uninhibited. 3) (of a process or event) occurring without apparent external cause. 4) Biology (of movement or… … English terms dictionary