- sponging
1) вспенивание (шлака, стекла)2) выглаживание (керамических изделий до обжига)
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Sponging — Spon ging ( j[i^]ng), a. & n. from {Sponge}, v. [1913 Webster] {Sponging house} (Eng. Law), a bailiff s or other house in which debtors are put before being taken to jail, or until they compromise with their creditors. At these houses… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sponging — Sponge Sponge, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Sponged} (sp[u^]njd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Sponging} (sp[u^]n j[i^]ng).] 1. To cleanse or wipe with a sponge; as, to sponge a slate or a cannon; to wet with a sponge; as, to sponge cloth. [1913 Webster] 2. To wipe… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
sponging — veltėdystė statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Komensalizmo forma, pagrįsta organizmų tarprūšinio sugyvenimo mitybos ryšiais, kai komensalas maitinasi organizmo (stambiojo plėšrūno), ant kurio arba kuriame gyvena, maisto… … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Sponging house — Sponging Spon ging ( j[i^]ng), a. & n. from {Sponge}, v. [1913 Webster] {Sponging house} (Eng. Law), a bailiff s or other house in which debtors are put before being taken to jail, or until they compromise with their creditors. At these houses… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Sponging-house — A sponging house was a one time place of temporary confinement for debtors in the United Kingdom. If someone were to get into debt, their creditor would lay a complaint with the sheriff, the sheriff sent his bailiffs, and the debtor would be… … Wikipedia
sponging house — noun Etymology: sponging (gerund of sponge) (II) + house; from the extortionate charges made there for food and lodging : a house usually maintained by a bailiff for keeping debtors for a day to afford opportunity to come to terms with their… … Useful english dictionary
sponging — ingl. Técnica de pintura mural decorativa realizada con una esponja de mar que se sumerge en una mezcla de pinturas de colores varios, aplicándola con presión suave sobre la pared, obteniendo una textura irregular de la misma … Diccionario Lunfardo
sponging — Synonyms and related words: abject, ablution, absorbency, absorbent, absorption, adsorbent, adsorption, apple polishing, ass kissing, assimilation, backscratching, beggarly, blotter, blotting, blotting paper, bone lazy, bootlicking, brown nosing … Moby Thesaurus
sponging — spÊŒndÊ’ n. aquatic animal with a porous outer body and a rigid or elastic skeleton; skeleton of a sponge; piece of flexible and absorbent plastic or rubber used for cleaning; one or that which absorbs; sponger v. clean with a sponge; wipe with a … English contemporary dictionary
SPONGING — … Useful english dictionary
sponging-house — noun A place of temporary confinement for debtors, kept by a bailiff, where debtors were sponged of all money they had on themselves, before being transferred to debtors prison … Wiktionary