split pattern

split pattern
разъёмная модель

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "split pattern" в других словарях:

  • split pattern — noun : a pattern for a casting made in two or more pieces and doweled together to permit separate removal * * * split pattern, a pattern for a casting that consists of two halves that can be fitted and held together with pins …   Useful english dictionary

  • Split ergativity — is shown by languages that have a partly ergative behaviour, but employ another syntax or morphology usually accusative in some contexts. In fact, most of the so called ergative languages are not pure but split ergative.The split is usually… …   Wikipedia

  • Split Ring Resonator — A split ring resonator (SRR) is a component part of a negative refractive index material. SRRs are a pair of concentric annular rings with splits in them at opposite ends. The rings are made of nonmagnetic metal like copper and have small gap… …   Wikipedia

  • split compound verbs —    Some writers, apparently inspired by a misguided dread of split infinitives (which see), are equally fastidious about not breaking up compound verbs, whatever the cost to idiom and clarity. (A compound verb is one made up of two elements, such …   Dictionary of troublesome word

  • split gene — In eukaryotes, the encoding DNA of many structural genes is made up of exons and introns. This commonly found pattern of interruption in the coding sequence is referred to as a split gene …   Glossary of Biotechnology

  • split spray — An incorrect setup of a spray gun, giving a spray pattern that is heavy at the top and bottom but narrow in the middle …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • Juggling pattern — A juggling pattern or juggling trick is a specific combination of manipulations of props while juggling (usually toss juggling). At its simplest level, a juggling pattern can normally be defined as a sequence of various throws using a certain… …   Wikipedia

  • Bahá'í/Bábí split — By Bahá í/Bábí split is meant the process when most Bábís accepted the Bahá í Faith as the fulfilment of their religion, leaving a remnant of Bábís who came to be known as Azalis.This occurred after Bahá í founder Bahá u lláh made his claims… …   Wikipedia

  • Interpreter pattern — In computer programming, the interpreter pattern is a particular design pattern. The basic idea is to implement a specialized computer language to rapidly solve a defined class of problems. Specialized languages often let a problem be solved… …   Wikipedia

  • match-plate pattern — «MACH PLAYT», a pattern in casting split in two halves, used to make molds consisting of several matching parts …   Useful english dictionary

  • shotting pattern — the arrangement of split shot on the line below a float. This varies with the float type, the rig, and the fishing conditions. Shot can be grouped together, making the line sink swiftly and this avoiding small or unwanted fish, or spread out so… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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