- split frame
1) разъёмный корпус (машины)2) разъёмное шасси
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Split Frame Rendering — Schema der Funktionsweise Split Frame Rendering (SFR) (mit Load Balancing von ATI als Scissor Mode bezeichnet) ist ein Render Modus, der bei Multi GPU Verfahren eingesetzt wird. Technik Im Gegensatz zum einfacheren AFR Modus, bei dem abwechselnd… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Split-complex number — A portion of the split complex number plane showing subsets with modulus zero (red), one (blue), and minus one (green). In abstract algebra, the split complex numbers (or hyperbolic numbers) are a two dimensional commutative algebra over the real … Wikipedia
Split screen (filmmaking) — In film and video production, split screen is the visible division of the screen, traditionally in half, but also in several simultaneous images, rupturing the illusion that the screen s frame is a seamless view of reality, similar to that of the … Wikipedia
split-screen — the combination of two actions filmed separately by copying them onto the same negative and having them appear side by side within a single frame (without overlapping); a slight variation on split screen is termed multiple image (different… … Glossary of cinematic terms
Split (ten pin bowling) — A split is a term in ten pin bowling used to describe a number of situations where two or more pins remain standing after the first ball of a frame with a gap between them, when the headpin (the number 1 pin ) is no longer standing after the… … Wikipedia
Split-quaternion — Coquaternion multiplication × 1 i j k 1 1 i j k i i −1 k −j j j −k +1 −i … Wikipedia
Split pulley — Pulley Pul ley, n.; pl. {Pulleys}. [F. poulie, perhaps of Teutonic origin (cf. {Poll}, v. t.); but cf. OE. poleine, polive, pulley, LL. polanus, and F. poulain, properly, a colt, fr. L. pullus young animal, foal (cf. {Pullet}, {Foal}). For the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
split screen — noun Date: 1944 a film or video technique in which the frame is divided into discrete nonoverlapping images; also the visual composition based on this technique … New Collegiate Dictionary
Split Screen — F/A/V An optical or special effects shot in which two separate images are combined on each frame … Audio and video glossary
Alternate Frame Rendering (Technik) — Alternate Frame Rendering (AFR) ist eine Multi GPU Technik von ATI Technologies zur Lastverteilung der Rechenarbeit auf mehrere Grafikchips. Das Verfahren wurde von ATI Technologies für die Rage Fury Maxx benutzt, die mit zwei Rage 128 Pro… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Alternate Frame Rendering (Modus) — Schema der Funktionsweise Alternate Frame Rendering (AFR) ist ein Render Modus, der bei Multi GPU Verfahren eingesetzt wird. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 T … Deutsch Wikipedia