- spirit stain
спиртовая протрава
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
stain — /steɪn / (say stayn) noun 1. a semipermanent discolouration produced by foreign matter; a spot. 2. a natural spot or patch of different colour, as on the body of an animal. 3. a cause of reproach; blemish: a stain on one s reputation. 4. a… …
The Crimson Stain Mystery — Theatrical poster to The Crimson Stain Mystery Directed by T. Hayes Hunter … Wikipedia
ANZAC spirit — The Anzac spirit or Anzac legend is a concept which suggests that Australian and New Zealand soldiers possess shared national characteristics, specifically the qualities those soldiers are believed to have shown on the battlefield in World War I … Wikipedia
The Crimson Stain Mystery — est un film américain en 16 épisodes réalisé par T. Hayes Hunter en 1916. Sommaire 1 Distribution 2 Les épisodes 3 Synopsis 4 Lien externe … Wikipédia en Français
Royal Wanganui Opera House — The Royal Wanganui Opera House is New Zealand s last Victorian theatre. Located in St Hill Street in central Wanganui, the 106 year old theatre seats 830 and is the venue for many local, national and international events.These include grand opera … Wikipedia
coloring — Synonyms and related words: Klangfarbe, abstractionism, achromatism, acrylic painting, acting, affectation, affective meaning, appearance, attitudinizing, bearing, bloom, bluff, bluffing, blush, blushing, cast, cheating, chromatic, chromatism,… … Moby Thesaurus
hue — Synonyms and related words: Munsell chroma, achromatism, apply paint, bedaub, bedizen, begild, besmear, body build, brand, brightness, brush on paint, calcimine, cast, character, characteristic, characteristics, chroma, chromatic color,… … Moby Thesaurus
Nirvana bootleg recordings — The Nirvana bootleg recordings are a number of audio CD recordings of musical performances by the American rock band Nirvana, which were never officially released by the band, or under any other legal authority. The recordings consist of both… … Wikipedia
Ingvar Runestones — The Ingvar Runestones ( sv. Ingvarstenarna) is the name of c. 26 Varangian Runestones that were raised in commemoration of those who died in the Swedish Viking expedition to the Caspian Sea of Ingvar the Far Travelled. The Ingvar expedition was… … Wikipedia
Greece Runestones — The Greece Runestones comprise around 30 runestones containing information related to voyages made by Scandinavians to Greece , which refers to the Byzantine Empire (ON.: Grikkland , Grikk(i)aR ), during the Viking Age and until the early 12th… … Wikipedia
UNITED STATES LITERATURE — The Influence of the Bible and Hebrew Culture The Jewish influence on American literary expression predated the actual arrival of Jews in the United States in 1654, for the Puritan culture of New England was marked from the outset by a deep… … Encyclopedia of Judaism