- biological environment
биологическая среда
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
biological environment — biologinė situacija statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Padėtis vietovėje, kuri susidarė tiesiogiai panaudojus biologinį ginklą ar patvariąsias biologines priemones. atitikmenys: angl. biological environment; biological… … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas
biological environment — biologinė aplinka statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Sąlygos, susidariusios vietovėje dėl biologinio ginklo tiesioginio ar liekamojo poveikio. atitikmenys: angl. biological environment pranc. environnement biologique ryšiai: dar žiūrėk –… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
biological environment — Conditions found in an area resulting from direct or persisting effects of biological weapons … Military dictionary
biological environment — noun : the natural biological factors (as wild animals and plants or bacteria) that affect human life (as in a particular place or period) … Useful english dictionary
biological threat — A threat that consists of biological material planned to be deployed to produce casualties in personnel or animals or damage plants. See also biological agent; biological ammunition; biological defense; biological environment; chemical,… … Military dictionary
biological situation — biologinė situacija statusas T sritis apsauga nuo naikinimo priemonių apibrėžtis Padėtis vietovėje, kuri susidarė tiesiogiai panaudojus biologinį ginklą ar patvariąsias biologines priemones. atitikmenys: angl. biological environment; biological… … Apsaugos nuo naikinimo priemonių enciklopedinis žodynas
Biological pest control — Biological control of pests in agriculture is a method of controlling pests (including insects, mites, weeds and plant diseases) that relies on predation, parasitism, herbivory, or other natural mechanisms. It can be an important component of… … Wikipedia
Biological integrity — is associated with how “pristine” an environment is and its function relative to the potential or original state of an ecosystem before human alterations were imposed. Biological integrity is built on the assumption that a decline in the values… … Wikipedia
Biological determinism — Biological determinism, also called genetic determinism, is the hypothesis that biological factors such as an organism s individual genes (as opposed to social or environmental factors) completely determine how a system behaves or changes over… … Wikipedia
Biological interaction — Biological interactions are the effects organisms in a community have on one another. In the natural world no organism exists in absolute isolation, and thus every organism must interact with the environment and other organisms. An organism s… … Wikipedia
Environment — may refer to: * Natural environment, all living and non living things that occur naturally on Earth * Built environment, constructed surroundings that provide the setting for human activity, ranging from the large scale civic surroundings to the… … Wikipedia