spike head

spike head
головка костыля

Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.

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Смотреть что такое "spike head" в других словарях:

  • Spike (Elvis Costello album) — Spike Studio album by Elvis Costello Released 14 February 1989 …   Wikipedia

  • Spike TV — (a veces Spike solo) es un canal de televisión estadounidense diseñado para el publico masculino. Spike TV es propiedad de MTV Networks, que es una subsidiaria de Viacom Inc. Historia El canal comenzó como The Nashville Networks (TNN) fundado por …   Wikipedia Español

  • head on a spike — If someone wants a head on a spike, they want to be able to destroy or really punish a person …   The small dictionary of idiomes

  • Spike — Spike, n. [Akin to LG. spiker, spieker, a large nail, D. spijker, Sw. spik, Dan. spiger, Icel. sp[=i]k; all perhaps from L. spica a point, an ear of grain; but in the sense of nail more likely akin to E. spoke of a wheel. Cf. {Spine}.] 1. A sort… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spike grass — Spike Spike, n. [Akin to LG. spiker, spieker, a large nail, D. spijker, Sw. spik, Dan. spiger, Icel. sp[=i]k; all perhaps from L. spica a point, an ear of grain; but in the sense of nail more likely akin to E. spoke of a wheel. Cf. {Spine}.] 1. A …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spike rush — Spike Spike, n. [Akin to LG. spiker, spieker, a large nail, D. spijker, Sw. spik, Dan. spiger, Icel. sp[=i]k; all perhaps from L. spica a point, an ear of grain; but in the sense of nail more likely akin to E. spoke of a wheel. Cf. {Spine}.] 1. A …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spike shell — Spike Spike, n. [Akin to LG. spiker, spieker, a large nail, D. spijker, Sw. spik, Dan. spiger, Icel. sp[=i]k; all perhaps from L. spica a point, an ear of grain; but in the sense of nail more likely akin to E. spoke of a wheel. Cf. {Spine}.] 1. A …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spike team — Spike Spike, n. [Akin to LG. spiker, spieker, a large nail, D. spijker, Sw. spik, Dan. spiger, Icel. sp[=i]k; all perhaps from L. spica a point, an ear of grain; but in the sense of nail more likely akin to E. spoke of a wheel. Cf. {Spine}.] 1. A …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Spike (Agata) — Spike Album par Ichirou Agata Sortie Le 25 mai 2004 Enregistrement Octobre 2003 Janvier 2004 Durée 40:10 Genre Noise Rock Rock expérimental …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Spike (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) — Infobox Buffyverse Character Spike Title=Spike First= School Hard (Buffy) Creator=Joss Whedon Name=William Status=Undead Kind=Vampire Affiliation= Initially the Scooby Gang, then later Team Angel. Powers= Besides the common powers and… …   Wikipedia

  • Spike (TV channel) — For other uses, see Spike. Spike Launched March 7, 1983 (as TNN) September 25, 2000 (as The New TNN) August 11, 2003 (as Spike) Owned by Network Enterprises, Inc. (a wholly owned subsidiary of MTV Networks, wholly owned by …   Wikipedia

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