- speech synthesis
синтез речи
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов. 2005.
speech synthesis — noun The generation of spoken sounds by a computer from input text • • • Main Entry: ↑speech * * * speech synthesis UK US noun [uncountable] computing a process in which a computer produces sounds that are similar to human speech Thesaurus:… … Useful english dictionary
Speech synthesis — Stephen Hawking is one of the most famous people using speech synthesis to communicate Speech synthesis is the artificial production of human speech. A computer system used for this purpose is called a speech synthesizer, and can be implemented… … Wikipedia
speech synthesis — kalbos sintezė statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. speech synthesis vok. Sprachsynthese, f rus. синтез речи, m pranc. synthèse de parole, f … Automatikos terminų žodynas
Speech Synthesis Markup Language — (SSML) (Язык Разметки Синтеза Речи) представляет собой основанный на XML язык разметки для приложений синтеза речи[1]. Он был рекомендован рабочей группой W3C[2]. SSML часто встраивается в сценарии VoiceXML для интерактивных систем телефонии[3].… … Википедия
Speech Synthesis Markup Language — (SSML) is an XML based markup language for speech synthesis applications. It is a recommendation of the W3C s voice browser working group. SSML is often embedded in VoiceXML scripts to drive interactive telephony systems. However, it also may be… … Wikipedia
Speech Synthesis Markup Language — SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) ist eine auf XML basierende Auszeichnungssprache, die um zusätzliche Befehle für die Sprachausgabe erweitert wurde. SSML wird häufig auch zusammen mit VoiceXML verwendet. Programmbeispiel <?xml version=… … Deutsch Wikipedia
speech synthesis — Generation of speech by artificial means, usually by computer. Production of sound to simulate human speech is referred to as low level synthesis. High level synthesis deals with the conversion of written text or symbols into an abstract… … Universalium
speech synthesis — creation through the use of a computer of sound output which resembles human speech … English contemporary dictionary
speech synthesis — UK / US noun [uncountable] computing a process in which a computer produces sounds that are similar to human speech … English dictionary
Speech synthesis — Synthèse vocale Stephen Hawking est l une des personnes les plus célèbres à utiliser ce genre de technique pour communiquer La synthèse vocale est une technique informatique de synthèse sonore qui permet de créer de la parole artificielle à… … Wikipédia en Français
Speech Synthesis — A computer system which can produce human understandable words from electronic data … International financial encyclopaedia